

"Do you believe in Ghost"
When we moved to San Francisco we
didn't have a steady home..We basically move around alot..the first one we stayed in was on Teddy street..
It was a lovely home but I felt a strong
vibe that something or someone is
haunting this house..I think I was only
15 years old when I started 6th grade..
There was a school up the hill close to the house..it's called Visitation Valley middle school..And it's a pretty nice school, friendly teacher in some floor.
I got to meet new friends and a Best
friend that I can have fun and share
things together..My first class was
English with Mr. Calaman,he was a
great teacher, got good grades in his
class..And a teacher's pet assistance checking our assignments for corrections and graded..It was a long day before school ended..I said my goodbyes to my friends and headed
down to home..
Once I got home and wash my hands
for dinner..I started doing my homework with my sister's..after that
we went outside the backyard which
it looks crazy because it almost looks like a graveyard and a corn field,.Very
creepy..Me and my little sister was playing ball,she stopped and said "look
there's a girl in the window holding a teddy bear.."As I put the ball down me
and my middle sister looked up and saw nothing."I said Len, I don't see anything"..As times goes by we started
heading back inside and get ready for dinner..
My mother started making our fav-
orite meals chicken Adobo with rice
on top of it..When we were done eating and cleaned ourselves..We headed to our room and get ready for
bed..What's really odd and creepy is
that a huge pipe in the middle of the
floor closed to our bedside..Looks so
scary and trying to figure out what comes out of the pipe..We barely slept
cause of that pipe kinda gave us night
mares..We have tv but no channels..lol
we barely watch TV..We mostly like to
be outside and play plus it's more safe
then the backyard itself..Who knows if there's something buried in the
ground like dead bodies..
The Areas around our neighborhood
are pretty quiet on some of the days..
We have a liquor store owned by a
decent families, we got to know them
and became good friends..And the
neighbors across from the house was
two cute boys playing on there skate-
board..The other one was a drunken
man or homeless which they gave him
a name."Crazy Joe"..And for best part
a couple never close there windows
looking for live audience..this part is funny..As I started my second day of
school we have to participate in some
kind of sports I never heard off..It's
called Foosball,"I said to the teacher,
you mean Football."She said sort of like football but you catch it by a hand
net catchers..I said to the gym teacher,
"This game sounds like fun" and she
said,it is,.topped of that we get to play
against the boys..Oh boy,this gonna be
rough..I raised my hands,and asked the
teacher do we need to protect ourselves.,like a head gear,helmet,arms
and legs knee pads..Mann,this gonna be a hard get ready to be thrown down sports game ever..We going to be hurting all over our bodies..Luckly my
teammates are huge and tall,.and my-
short self and great runner..We had to out run the fellas,so we got our own
tricks to win the game..basically I'm there runner to touchdown..We trying to get the boys distracted by bending over,pretending you got hurt, and our
winning victory my homegirl pulled up
her shirt and the guys started staring
while I'm on the run to victory..other
wised they snap out of it and tried to
catch up and guess what,the girls won.
We had a bet before we started the
game..That if the girls lost we buy the
team Lunch not from the cafeteria but
in restaurants like pizza for a day..And if the fellas lost they have to be nice
to us and a gifts of flowers or stuffed
animal's..We had an awesome day cause I got flowers and stuffed animals to take home..When the bell
rings,we started heading home, as we
walked down the street,our swingers
neighbors got steamy and dirty..As we
stop and stare at the couple's, it was
like watching a nude movie for the
first time but live outside your neigh-
borhood,pretty kool huh..When I got
home again, and clean up to get ready for dinner.."Spaghetti and garlic bread"..and at the end chocolate ice-
cream my favorite..Since my grandma and uncle stayed upstairs.I went up to visit and say hiee..It felt really cold and
smelly like something died in that house..My grandma bought some po-
psicles and she said, I could have one.
So I open the freezer and saw a weird
mud looking like pooped..I asked my
grandma Kandy was is this..before I
started laughing so hard,.I asked my
Uncle what made you do this thing,..
Laugh out Loud,"he said he wanted to
do something crazy"..Well,and he did,.
He pooped on a small plate,made it
look like a swirly ice cream and put
it back in the freezer to get hard..I was
dying of laughing so hard that my
Uncle is so outrageous hilarious funny
man..That one day I'll tell the story to his kids..Before we headed back down
stairs, I thought I saw a spider as big
as a ball..In my mom's room there was
a huge hole.I kept asking him there's
something in that hole, my dad grab
a long stick and shove it in the hole,
next thing you know a black and red
spider came out so fast,we started screaming, so lucky that my dad has a
machete knife and killed that spider..
It was so creepy and scary,"what big
eyes you have big spider,"to see better
my dear child..And what big claws you
have black red spider, to clawber you
into bits of pieces and eat you up..As
our days goes by night a stindge of
smell lurking in the air.."like I said,it
smells like dead.."As the days and
months pass by..we went on a field
trip with four classrooms and four
buses on our way to Great America
Amusement parks..We were so excited
We wanted to try all the rides..our first
stop was the Drop-zone..It looked so
scary but my friends didn't stop me &
I had to used the bathroom..And they
told me to hold it for the next 10 sec.
I told them I'll try my best but if I can't hold it, I'm going to release it..
It was so funny we started laughing so hard that it made me go..Then we went on our next ride, A scary roller
coaster that goes up high and back-
ward down and it stays up there for a
minute and then you hear people stuff
flying in the air.,that was scary..And the best part water rides,.I think we went on different water rides..We had
a blast..Then we headed back to school and get ready to go home......
Since I was getting good grades and
behaving good in class,.my teacher is
treating us on another field trip to
a Haunted house..
As I headed back down to get home,I
realized that my grandma and uncle
didn't stay long at the house,they said
that they saw something under the
stairs like an Attic..As we try to sleep
a loud bang upstairs, windows open-
ing in and out,topped of that some
strange voice whispering and sounds
like a little girl running..I had to wake
up my dad again and told him that
there's something upstairs making all
these noise..So my dad started calling
my uncle his youngest brother to the
house to help see what's going on..&
also they called the police to help them search for clues..As the officer
came by,.my dad and uncle followed
the cops..They walked up the stairs and opened the door,"the officer said,
go ahead you go first,."My dad said,
your the police with guns you go first.
Laugh out Loud,they were all scared
to get in the house..My dad says it
was cold in there, you breathe out cold
air like it's frezzing..A foul smell over
the stairs, so stinks that it was hard to
breathe..They didn't even bother to
look because they were afraid..but the
worst part running through there mind-blowing an epic of a mysterious cane in the middle of the kitchen floor
got my dad and uncle rushed out of the house until he finds us another
place to stay..As days and months pass
through,.October comes, A new day
at school ready for a field trip to a
Haunted house adventures in San Jose.
When we got there, the teachers han-
ded us a map to the building that way
We won't get lost..There were two
Haunted house one for the big kids
and the other for the little ones..I
really wanted to go to the little ones
because the house is less floors, the
one I'm going in is a big house.. A
security outside says good luck, well
thanks security guard..I hope we make
It out safely..As we huddle up in gr-
oups of 8 or more the merrier it is..
When we enter the house it slammed
so hard that we all jump.,as we were
walking down the hall, each wall has a
creepy things popping up..The scariest
thing was a little girl and this lady start
chasing us,I ran so hard,I forgot to
look back..She was so scary I probably
have nightmares..We were so mad cause we lost half of our groups,.As we started pretending to laugh, we
heard a loud thump, we didn't know
where it came from but we started
looking through each room one by
one..I was so scared I didn't want to look inside, but as a group we look
together..My friend was so tired she
sat on the bed when we turned around
she wasn't there like she disappeared..
My eyes started tearing up, how bout
We all hold hands..We just kept going
down the hall every little step we take,
found couple of people standing around don't know where to go.. we
just told them just stick with us and
hopefully we can find your group and
my group..I think we are on the 5th
floor,"I started saying prayers and
singing church song,that's how
scared I was..Then we found a windows, good gosh,it was so high
I was afraid to look down.. My
stomach feels like BUTTERFLIES.,
Still singing Kumbaya..I yelled out
the window holding my flash light &
making sure the security heard me..I
yelled so hard,please officer, security
guard come up here and save us...Next
thing you know we came across a la-
undryroom,thank god,they should
have an escape elevators in these creepy building..Which we found one
and huddle up and slide down till we
see another room close to the entrance..Finally we found the rest of
our groups and still couldn't find our way out..I went back to the window &
a man with a jigsaw started chasing up,
I yelled please don't kill us,please don't
kill us, we just want to go home...We
we're all crying in tears..and we had
enough we all gathered up the bed
sheets and made it into ropes,down
We go one by one..When we finally
made it to the ground,it was muddy and wet and we all got dirty trying to
find our way out,.which we did..We
we're so tired that we all fell asleep in
the bus..It was the longest day ever
instead of going back to school they just dropped us home..By the time I got home, a weird noise,A chilling
sounds,I don't know how my dad is
handling this..Luckly I moved up to
two grades higher and graduate..My dad was fed up with the noise,stinky
smell, a little girl running back and
fourth.,windows closing in and out,
topped of that the house looks like
It's bleeding or something oozing
out the walls, like slime or blood..My dad said grab everything and we leaving as soon as possible.That house surely gave me nightmares,.My dream was so scary that when I woke up that
morning my shirt was torn apart like
something scratched mark claws..I
took it off so fast and throw it in the
garbage...I stopped watching TV for
awhile..and then on we left the house
and moved on..

by Maryjean Herrera of March of 22,