

once upon a time there was boy grew up in lonliness now one day Juan decided to go out side because he was feeling lonely and hollow now Juan didn't think to much about anything other then finding the right partner to take his hand in marriage now Juan was popular in every thing so he decided ok what should I do im looking for a mate someone whos like me open kind smart driven knows where to put ball incase im in a jam and cant get out i need someone with problem solving skills so 1 day Juan goes out and hes walking walking walking till he gets to Jerome ave and now juan is walking around jerome ave late at night so hes walking and all of sudden juan notice a girl walking with 2 boys who take a look at him for a second now Juan being him decided to follow them until he gets to the girl now Juan says to him self damn this girl beautiful she's perfect for me he goes up to girl and she u got money Juan says no but I got food stamps and I'll look out so girl says don't worry what u into juan well into pretty much whatever so girl goes and says ok let's do this let's over by this house and hang so Juan says ok let's and they both walk off together holding hands Juan was in love even though he didn't want to admit it but deep inside he had feelings for her so Juan and this girl walks off together and Juan asks her for her name she says jazlyene so says to himself what very pretty name she has I wander what she likes so Juan goes says hey so u looking for anything special she says no not really so Juan says her oh let's go the peer and see what's going on out there so jaz n Juan both start there journey to the peer
where they both had wonderful night was on there way from the peer and headed back to the Bronx now Juan says jaz Im looking for a wife someone who would love me like I love them and jaz says well I'm not looking for anything serious so Juan says to ur come on girl we had a bomb night with amazing bond and I know we can be a thing together jaz so what's up give me chance by ur side so jaz says alright fine so jaz and Juan hooks up seriously with 1 another at first it was rocky juan was into the streets and making and jaz was seeing regulars on day to day basis now jaz had feelings and they mattered to Juan so jaz one day gets drunk and Juan get high n sells drugs on a regular now for two people in relationship they had a funny way of showing each other there emotions for 1 another jaz was into her money and so was juan but they took care of each other no matter what happen in there relationship they always stood together no matter the circumstances they lived for each other with 1 another and jaz was girl who didnt like some of the things juan was into but grew to love and except him for who he was has a man and until this very day there still together happily ever after