

She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate, she was devastated and went back home to change, a few minutes later, she came back with a new dress and ran to the venue. she was so excited, she ran as she bumped into some people, she met some other kids but they made fun of her and her history, she was sad but she didn't let it ruin her happiness, she was waiting to see someone that has been on her mind for the past couple of weeks now, as she reached, she was greeted by joyful screams and cheers, she looked out for Derek, and from a distance she saw him, she smiled and failed to notice how her cheeks turned red, she went for him as everyone started the countdown. turns out that the festival was a festival of lights. she reached him and tapped him, he turned to her and smiled, she smiled back, 'TEN, NINE, EIGHT...', "I'm glad you made it, annie", Derek said, I smiled, he called her name, she was internally overjoyed, "y-yeah, me too", I said,
'SEVEN, SIX, FIVE...', he held my hand as we both looked at each other intently, the air around me was starting to get thick, 'FOUR, THREE, TWO...', he inched closer, Annie thought that if what was happening was a dream that she didn't want to be woken up, she closed her eyes as she braced herself for the kiss, 'ONE, ZERO.', Derek placed his lips on Annie's as everyone shouted, the fireworks began to light up the sky one by one and Derek and Annie vowed to remember that moment, Annie thought to herself, "I might be poor, but I'm glad I found Derek, he the only treasure I have.