

I couldn't open up to anyone. It makes me overthink that I'll be a bother. My friends have their own share of pain and problems. I wouldn't dare to drag them into this mess.

But these days I keep on thinking.. tired of keeping it all in. All these frustrations and fury are bottled up inside. Why ask if I'm angry? I'm not. I'm fed up. I don't want to do anything, nothing at all. I don't want to feel anymore. My heart's getting numb and numb every single day.

I want to leave this house. I can't call it home, it's not safe nor comfortable. It's a place of trauma, of shattered memories, and of piled-up anxieties and fear. It is where I hated my own father and mother. A strange place where I can't see myself staying.

Don't blame me, please. I'm not being selfish or ungrateful. I'm not being a bastard child nor rebellious... for wanting to run away from what you call family. I'm just extremely hurt. That's all. I can't heal in the same place I experienced hell.

So, forgive me for leaving. Forgive me for choosing my peace and self. And I'll try to forgive you for breaking me.


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