

Beware Two: Addition (Page 1)
Greetings fellow angels of the future; whom I am delighted to call my kinsmen and my kinswomen! I'm back with another letter again; except this one is broken down and heavily simplified more than the other. To be respectful and to alleviate some of the pressure off of you guys; I am going to tell you to take a seat and to grab a beverage like I did at the start of the last letter that I wrote. You do not have to sit down or have a drink; if you prefer not to!! It isn't a demand or a direct order, but I want you to be comfortable because my letters are always long, and it is a gigantic pill to swallow. The info that I share is not easy to fathom or to come to terms with, so please try to relax yourselves and try not to give yourselves a headache. It is evident that I love you, care about you, and want you to be vigilant, well prepared, and a person that is "clear-sighted"; otherwise I would not be giving you pointers or urgent early notices. If it is not too domineering or too dictatorial; could you give me a few minutes to speak to my immediate family that is currently living, and the souls of my dead family members that my living family has been contacting and collaborating with as a team to help them in their murderous quest!! The signs that I witnessed with my own two eyes, the signs that I have arranged in the right order using inference, and the signs that I have connected together are both fitting the description and are estimating to my unproven thoughts, and my unproven beliefs that many are claiming to be false. Evidence is not needed and is not required if everything is linking up to what I deeply suspected!! Ya'll are saying I am so wrong, but still can't give me anything to redeem the rationality of each of the signs that I have seen; if there even is any rationality to any of this craziness!! An explanation would've been helpful, or at least give a portion of common reasoning to make me rethink my feelings. To tell me I am wrong and not tell me the reason why I am wrong; only shows and affirms how more right I am. Too many clues have unraveled for me to not be incorrect! Chopping off your tongues with a blade and grinding it in a garbage disposal is what you can do to please me!! The main overall rule of stupidity is that when you're trying to save face and trying to save your ass; you kinda have to make it make sense!! Without a fair argument; there is no debating and no denying. I have just about had it with you slithering slimy snakes in the grass. You don't seem to mind when I am not talking and letting you reinforce the circulating stories about me that you all have distorted, or letting you go buck wild and parade your stolen riches that you have obtained from double dealing and double crossing everyone to get to a surpassingly exceptional status rate, but as soon as I dive "head first" to my defense or lay down the truth to cast out your lies; the boohooing begins, the ego party shuts down, and everybody wants to raise their swords, their pitch forks, their fire torches, and their metal shields at me. I am not scared, worried, nervous, or intimidated by your angry mob; so giddy up on your sweet daddy's horse cock and ride rodeo style out of reality, out of sight, and out of my territory. Give father Lucifer the greatest orgasm he has ever had while you are going horseback riding over his fat smoked sausage on steroids; as an appreciation for him being your idol and your honorable leader. On your way to the door before you leave; you can wipe my dirty butt crack with your shirt and mop the remains off of the floor when you're done!!!!! I could've had a house to live in, I could've had a bathroom to use any time I wanted, and I could've had the money to buy the necessary items that I need to keep my booty clean and the rest of my body. My crack wouldn't have to be dirty if you had not violently fist fucked me in the financial area!! You bent me over and spanked me till my skin was red, purple, blue, and fractured. During the few seconds of relief when I thought the brutal spanking was over; you jammed your knuckles up my anus and didn't even have the heart to use lubrication!! Do you really think I would be devoting my patience to write about you; if I had the freedom to pursue another activity? You're not the brightest light bulb in the box, and you're not the sun that brightens the entire earth. It disgusts me to have to blog about road kill. You are the sound of thunder that disturbs the peace, you are a violent tornado that destroys everything in its path, and you are the cold shivering rain that spoils everybody's day. The only intoxicating joy that livens me whenever I am profiling a nobody who is nothing; is the soothing pleasure of watching them get a dosage of the embarrassment that they caused me to experience, and the excitement from the sharp needle of vengeance that I use to stab into their veins to demonstrate how uncomfortable it is to be poked; just like the poking sensation that I feel on my skin at certain moments because of the pins that are being inserted in the voodoo dolls that have been made of me!!! It doesn't feel so nice; does it???? You publicly put me on the spot and made me a worldwide mockery. I was your unconsented and uncontested baby actress during my infant years, child actress during my kid years, teen actress during my teenage years, and contemporary adult actress in the comedy show that you all were filming without me knowing. Now it's my turn to seek my revenge!!! Two can play that game!! For as long as I live and I swear this to you.....I will not rest or stop until the word has gotten through to society!! I am suppressed in a terrible situation that you have put me in for god knows how long. It could be temporary or it could be for the rest of my life! Despite what I do; I can not break loose!! Under these indestructible restraints that are restraining me; there isn't anything that can be done other than snitching!! You guys got me real good, but apparently not good enough since you forgot to close my mouth. When you pushed me from behind, locked me inside of that black empty room, and soccer kicked the key in the nearest water stream; you did not gag me!! Tape was never pasted over my lips, a cloth was never tied around my mouth, and no object was placed inside of my mouth to prevent me from speaking or screaming. Most psychotic murderers would remember to silence their victims if they were going to leave them for dead. I am having a hard time grasping an understanding of your negligent choice to exclude and to skip the muzzling procedure from your death plot. It could be because you're stupid or because you were so distracted by your own arrogance that you forgot. Whatever the reason was; it surely helped me a lot!!! No it did not get me out of the dungeon, but it gave me something I could use to alert people and to call out to any person outside of the door who walks by and hears me. That could possibly higher my chances of being rescued. If you didn't want me to know about your little secret; why did you do a lousy job hiding it?? This is what happens when you misbehave. You reveal more than you should and you bring suspicion to yourself. Being snitched on and being confronted was not important to you; since you went about the whole thing in a way that is heedless and insouciant. Why were you ignoring Jesus when he tried to show you that someone who is not deceased would eventually discover the mystery?? He warned you to stop and he warned you to change what you were doing but you ignored them, and now look where it has gotten you. I can not compose myself or withhold myself from laughing hysterically. Your ignorance amuses me and it
bewilders me! Acting egotistical does not do you or anyone else any favors; if that's what you were expecting!! I bet you thought no one would ever find out while they are alive. The men and the women that you used as bait in the past are not at rest because they ran out of time, and because their clock was done ticking before they could do something about the crimes that had been done against them. The picture was always painted after the death of the sufferers. When I was blind and was not aware of the truth; you did not take the responsibility to try to be careful of the actions that you made in my presence, or tried to be watchful of what you said when you were around me. You let it all hang out; regardless of what it was, and you did not reserve a single moment to think how I would take it; or if it was going to pull me closer to finding out what you monsters were up to. I'm guessing that because you have gotten away with this foolery for so long without being noticed or without getting caught; it led you to believe that nobody ever would. You felt that there was no reason to hide or to be civilized; since every victim of yours remained clueless; even when the signs were conspicuous to them. Whichever type of paralyzing spell that was on their mind; they could not see what was right in front of them! That is why you thought you could do whatever you wanted and act however you wanted towards me or near me.
I have indeed and have truly gotten the message that was given; based on the same repeated repercussions, and based on the same repeated aftermath of getting electrocuted by the powerful volts of lightening for attempting to abolish the rapes, the shenanigans, the trickeries, and the butcheries that you all are partaking and exploiting. The message was noted on paper, stored in my noggin for memorization, and comprehended very well that it is absolutely impossible for you to be stopped; and will only increase my suffering more if I intervene. I'm tired of being burned to a crispy cornflake, so the thing I'd like to avoid doing is crossing your lane and standing in your spotlight, or on your pedestal that you have accomplished; if lying, stealing, and scamming is considered working productively and considered working hard; which I disagree, but what badge or license of authority do I have to school you and to teach you a lesson on fairness, virtuousness, or selflessness? I am just a subordinate of the lower class crowd! Pay me no mind and do not take me seriously!! You are the dicephalous emperors and empresses who wears the crown, who runs the mayor's office, who sits in the president's chair, and is in charge of this charade that you've got going on. I'll just keep to myself, do my own thing, and fly my separate way with my wings; while you bible traders can continue to collect skyrocket profit deals that are earned from the toxic vicious root of playing the sick professionals that you are in your flourishing business that has been standing strong for the hundreds of past generations in a row. Every time you cash your check; I hope the frightening cries of the people you have killed ruptures your eardrums, and I hope that a horrific glimpse of their mutilated bodies pass through your head to refresh and to rejog your reminiscence. Exposing your true colors, your undisclosed organization, and your whitewashed society did not grant me any trophies, certificates, scholarships, or degrees; and it did not reward me with driving classes, a driver's license, a nice functioning car, a loyal group of trustworthy friends, a soulmate who loves me for who I am, a career that pays a considerable amount of cash, and a furnished beautiful home of my own that I can keep forever and is not haunted, bug infested, rodent infested, or hideous looking; and a large wardrobe that is filled with clothes and shoes that are of fine quality and is not torn, color faded, ill fitting, or bad smelling. You sacrificed each victory that belonged to me, and you ate most of the cake so I couldn't get any. I am glad that I wasn't gagged after you imprisoned me in my cage, and even though you did not share the cake with me; I am glad that there were scraps of goodies abandoned at the bottom of the plate. Tasting the tiny crumbs and the tiny pieces of leftover frosting was like compensation to make up for the damages that had been done. It was the button that turned on the microphone and amplified my voice to announce your sacrilege worldwide. I still haven't succeeded, I still do not have anyone, and I still do not have a dime or a pot to piss in, but spreading awareness was the glorious gift that I won for tattling, and that is more than I could ever ask for. I did not snitch on you because I was starving for praise or because I was desperate for people to believe me, respect me, or accept me. It had nothing to do with that!! It was just a commitment of obeying a specific obligation. I have been instructed to report the documents that the lord handed to me. Making it known was the desire and the assignment!! Not people's feelings concerning the documents or people's feedback!! The wrongful actions that you blamed me for; are the things that you did, and the awful person that you have accused me of being is who you are. The way stickers are peeled and stamped at the post office is how you treat your personality!!! You basically peeled off your character and stamped it over my character. Thankfully I managed to get half of it off, but there is some sticky residue that is still lingering from your sticker when was attached to mine!! You all have been getting away with what you have been doing since the beginning when this mess started. No more of this secretive "hocus pocus"! It is time for everyone to be informed and for everyone to be woken up. I am not staying quiet, I am not deleting my blogs, and I am not covering for you. My fingers are going to type to the night or the day my life comes to an end, so suck it up and quit whining!!!!
Is there any more food that I need to bring to the dining room or are you guys full??? Any nitpicking comments about how I don't know what I am saying and how incompetent I am!!?? Or what about irritating me and guilt tripping me???? You loved to do that a while ago. It is so quiet I can hear a pencil drop. What the heck is the matter with you?? Do you feel scared and annihilated!? Is that why you're silent?? If yes; then you should because right now you are on borrowed time, you are tilting on the edge of the building, and you are on your last legs. The ice is very thin and could crack in seconds. I think that pretty much concludes the servings of meals for today. This conversation has been revoked and my kitchen is now closing. I have taken away too much of my precious energy!! If my point wasn't delivered to your standards; that is too damn bad. Go crawl on your knees and fetch the bones of the victims that you slaughtered!!! If you were human; I would tell you to walk away, but unidentified species can't walk. Your mortal disguise isn't fooling anyone!
Picking up the envelope on the podium and getting back to my second additional letter to my future relatives!! I'm sorry that I kept you lovelies waiting. You shouldn't have had to read that shameful altercation between myself and those reptilians. Please forgive me for my disorderly conduct!! Do you remember what I told you my name was in "Beware" part 1??? It is spelled and pronounced as the name of the popular Spanish singer Shakira, but my nickname is Kira. It is a magnificent privilege speaking with you. I would shake your hand if I could. Once again; I am someone in your family who was alive in a time period before your time. "Beware Two" was written to recap the important things that I previously mentioned and encouraged you to watch out for. The first "Beware" letter was the protruding nail on the wall of knowledge, but this new article is the hammer to flatten the nail and to smoothen the ridges, so without further delay; gather around boys and girls!! Hang up the phone, mute your television or your music, and move to a quiet spot where there is less noise!! A quick word of advice from me to you is..... Don't be so quick to dismiss something, disregard something, or sweep something under the mat without giving it some thought or without taking it into consideration!! Just because a thing is unknown to you and does not add up; or just because it seems insane and seems impossible; does not mean that you should mark it as irrelevant or assume that you are going crazy. There could be a hint and a fragment of proof that is somewhere within the context of your circumstances, or somehow connected to the puzzle; and could be the solver that solves the test. When we experience odd things; our reaction is to tell someone or to research it. Our brains are learning magnets that absorbs everything. It divides the things that it aborbs in sections and it analyzes every detail; little by little. We are never not curious and are eager to nourish and to nurture our curiosity at all times. This is what the villian blows their boogers on! They have studied that the brain does not stop holding on or latching on to images, ideas, sounds, words, statements, emotions, predicaments, occurrences, and questions that are questionable to it until it acquires an answer. What they do is try to deflect and try to devalue whatever that thing is to make your brain wonder about something else!! In order for them to do that they have to claim that you're lying, that it's not real, that it's pointless, that it's not a matter of concern, that you're joking and are not being serious, or that your mind is mistaking fantasy with non-fiction!! Some will avoid the topic....Some will make fun of you....Some will think that you are on drugs.......Some will get annoyed or infuriated, and will immediately squash the discussion.....Some will say that what you are telling them is nonsense.....Some will swear at you, raise their voice at you, and complain that you are wasting their time.....Some will say that something is seriously wrong with you.....Some will suggest that you see a therapist or check yourself into a psychiatric hospital.....Some will try to argue or interrupt you in the middle of talking, and some will look at it from a "lopsided" standpoint and will rely on world logic or scientific logic to interpret it!!! For them to continue doing their atrocity in the dark; the evildoers have to condition your mind to shut off from anything that isn't of the natural. They want you to not think outside of the box, and to be closed minded to the likelihood and the existences of things that are beyond what is normal. When you open your brain and expand your perspective; you can see more clearer. Their "game plan" is to psychologically impair you and to obliviate you, so you can't recognize what they are or what they're capable of!! I advise you good people to buy a journal or to create either a video diary or an audio diary to save every bizzare dream and every bizzare manifestation that you experience; with the exact time, the exact place, and the exact date of when it happened. Make a note of what you saw, heard, or felt; and as time goes by; you can carefully inspect your experiences, you can come up with a bunch of theories, and you can pick the one that best applies! I wish my mom and I could've done that because it would have rescued us. The things you overlook will come back to you at an inconvenient time when you are helpless and when the knots are too tight to untangle; therefore hindering you in the traps that were camouflaged and were thrown in your tracks to trip you!! It is at that moment your subconscious is going to replay flashbacks to remind you of what you mishandled and what you failed to pay attention to!! In the midst of subconsciously revisiting these memories; you will be hearing the fussing of your conscience along with the devil! Criticizing you, scolding you, and bugging you about your mistakes.....Then you will began to realize that what was overlooked was not as harmless or as insignificant as you believed!! Picture yourself standing in front of a live audience in your imagination. Out of nowhere; a person smashes a pie pan in your face; while you were unfocused. The pan is filled with whipped cream and melted chocolate that had been fused with a hazardous compound that is unsafe for the human skin to be made contact with. You did not know they were going to do that to you, and you were not prepared!! It was a spontaneous publicity stunt to humor the crowd and to humiliate you. This is what the feeling is like!!!! You will be sitting alone; beating yourself up, and wearing the clown makeup, the clown suit, the clown wig, and the clown shoes that the enemy has dressed you to resemble in your weakest and your naked barefooted phase; over the course of sedating you to keep you buried in a deep sleep, so you can not see past the fakeness or past the illusions; and over the course of numbing your brain to program you to do what they want or to prevent you from making brilliant decisions or figuring things out. Soiled and smeared on your circus costume will be mud, leaves, bugs, and other debris that had gotten caught on the fabric as they dragged you in circles on the wet ground once the rope was fastened around your ankles and attached to their car before putting it in drive at full speed. You are really lucky to have me to inform you and guide you, so won't accidentally fall into their pool of venom!! Everything that I told you in "Beware" and everything that I am reclarifying in the second version of "Beware" is all of the stuff that you were going to eventually find out for yourself without me or anyone else telling you, but it was supposed to be after you had already gone through the fire because that is how the curse was designed. It was meant for each of its targets to awaken after the chaos has already happened; and when you are deeply suffocated, defeated, and constricted to the brink of no return or no repair, but because I care; I decided to modify the design and to spare everyone the disappointment of the startling roaring truth; hitting them and giving them a black eye, a punched swollen nose, and a busted lip at the wrong time. It triggers you to feel ignorant, paralyzed, shocked, and regretful for not knowing sooner; but it is not your fault. This is a crappy tradition that has existed and has been destroying our family since ancient history. Someone who was alive a long time ago; did something blasphemous to bring misfortune upon everyone.....To allow demons to possess their bodies.....To send them to hell to be anguished.......To keep them from achieving anything wonderful.......To sicken them with mental problems and physical problems.......To keep them moneyless, hopeless, and homeless on the street....... To cause them to go through a cycle of demonic attacks.......To cause them to witness paranormal activities taking place......To cause them to see unholy horrifying apparitions that only they can see and no one else.......To cause people to speak to them or behave towards them in a manner that is spiteful for no reason or for reasons that do not make sense.......To cause them to be treated like they are a sex object instead of a human being......To cause them to have to deal with people touching them without their permission and saying offensive things to them that are sexually inappropriate........To cause them to have to deal with people coming left and right; trying to have sex with them by seducing them, persuading them, bribing them, or forcing them with aggressiveness......And causing them to be traumatized by the indignity of the sexual harassment that is being done to them so (cripplingly/ridiculously) much that it starts to induce the feeling and insinuate the impression of being sensually, intimately, and socially oppressed or violated; to where it almost seems as if some type of horny evil inhuman force is somewhere behind the scenes rehearsing it before making it happen in the form of a series because of how identically executed, how matchingly timed, and how intense that the sexual encounters are; including the same vibe coming from every person who does it. The one particular punishment that doubles the impact of the stress with the rest of the punishments that were caused; due to what this anonymous person did that gave rise to the curse in the olden days is the bringing of conflict, disruptions, delays, and tragedies to make everyone have to quit, have to get fired, or have to get laid off from every job that hires them in a short period of time; and never receiving a reply after submitting numerous applications or attending multiple interviews until they officially lose interest in job searching because of the lack of response, because of not being able to work a job long enough, and because of being rejected for unexplained issues; such as getting a message; telling them that they were a great ideal candidate for the job but unfortunately the job will be given to someone else without explaining why, or because of the constant obstacles and constant hindrances that keeps popping up in the middle of everything and ruining everything whenever they are trying to "carry out" a plan to better themselves financially; while everyone around them is happy, thriving, and doing well. The pain that cuts the trauma wounds even further, and the pain that I think is excruciatingly unbearable; in my opinion; besides the other ways we are being punished; is the increasement of frequent hospital visits because of unprovoked bodily malfunctions that doesn't have a sensible causation as to what precipitated it! A describing of that is feeling something solid and slightly heavy; rising from underneath your skin; or racing all over the place in a chaotic motion inside of your throat or inside of some other part of your body like a weird alien creature; but all of a sudden stops moving at certain moments like nothing was ever there......Or laying down in your bed and sitting on your couch in your home when one of your bones or several bones in your body starts breaking at the same time; even though you were not in a position that could have made that happen!! Another analogical description would be tearing or puking up liquid that has an unusual color and an unusual texture. It is not just the malfunctions that are frightening, supernatural, and peculiar. It's also the fact that the malfunctions are happening without a natural cause or without an apparent cause!! I honestly can not tell you the number of our ancestors that were involved, or the answer to what their motive was for cursing the entire family. What they did, why they did it, and how they did it is indefinite but obviously it must have been something bad because if they did not do anything wrong; the present would not be dysfunctional for all of us. Maybe it was a dark ritual or a dark ceremony! Who knows what went down in those days!?? #familygenerationalcurse #familycurse #parttwo #part2 #beware #generationalcurse #addition #wakeup
© Club Kira