

Life is like a rainbow
Life is like a rainbow. It's beautiful and colorful. It is created by God himself..Have you ever had the opportunity of seeing a fleeting most magnificent rainbow. I know I have!

As I glimpsed at this beautiful rainbow ..one summers day...after the summer rain..I felt a touch of heaven. I felt God..I felt Jesus. I asked myself..who else besides God can create such a beautiful masterpiece. There definitely must be a God.

In my life I experienced many storms..but I knew I could always make it through the rain..the problems in life. I knew I will always experience my problems melt away...

I knew I will have a glimpse of another rainbow over my life and that rainbow is Jesus. He is so beautiful...wants you get to know Him. He turned my mourning into dancing..Just as a rainbow beautified the sky...so to does the presence of Jesus beautify the entire world.

My advice to you is never give up. You too will experience lifes rainbow..You too will experience Jesus...So always have hope in life ..for Jesus is the hope of the world..

Have faith in God always and lean not on your own understanding..Live for God because God lives for us and God loves us. May you feel the warmth of Gods embrace..may you feel Jesus light up the darkest of your days..¹