

Skip and Milton are out of this world (part 1)
Here kitty kitty

Skip grabs his glasses and smiley face cap and heads out into the world. Today is his visit with his psychiatrist dr. Kru. Skip feels especially good about today because it is another day he has gone without a breakdown. Skip heads out into the crazy City for his normal routine walk to the doctor's office. He passes through the market and stops at his favorite little store owned by mr. Wan
"Good Ma Ma Morning Mi Mi Mr. Wan!"
"Hello there squishy boy!"
"One fried worm stick please"
"This is why you are squishy fat boy because you are always eating my fried worms"
"Oh mister Wan"
Mr wan, hands him as stick and Skip heads on his way through the strange bustling crowded street filled with traders selling their items to anyone that would buy. Skip makes his way to the doctor's office, checks in at the front desk quietly flips through his comic book waiting for Doctor Kru to see him.

"Skip, Dr Kru will see you now"
The door opens and Skip nervously make this way through the door and into the doctor's office. A wrinkled old potato shaped man is sitting at his desk. "Hello again Skip, How have you been?"
"I've been better since our last visit." Skip adjusts himself in his chair.
"Thats good to hear" Dr. Kru adjusts his glasses and lookes up at Skip from his paperwork " has your friend visited you lately?" Skip swallowed heavily "I haven't seen Milton in a over a month"
"Well that certainly is an improvement."
Dr Kru rolls his chair back from his desk and and takes a deep breath " Skip, this is what I'm going to ask you to do, I need you to get out a little more, being cooped up in your house not having interactions with other people it's not going to help your situation. Go make some friends, go hang out, maybe find a love interest. I'm going to keep you on the same dose of your medicine for now and after a couple of weeks I want you to come back to me with a list of things that you've been doing and we will evaluate your situation from there" The look of terror is written all over Skips face, just the though of going out into the Giant City cripples him. Shaking a bit from the news, skip gets up speechless, gives the doctor a nod and heads towards the door. "Well I guess I will see you in 3 weeks". "See you then" The Dr shakes his head with a smile and Skip makes his way back out into the city.

Skip is making his way down the street when up ahead he sees two boys throwing rocks at a small creature. As he gets closer he notices that it is a street cat. In a panic skip runs up to them screaming " hey get a way from him" the boys run off screaming "Fat boy!" as they bend around the corner. Concerned Skip kneels down at the cowering cat shaking up against the wall "Its ok fella those guys are jerks. Let me get you somewhere safe." Skip picks up the cat noticing all the different color spots on his fur. " Doc told me to get out and make friends, I'm going to call you Mr Sprinkles." The cat seems to pur and rub his head on Skips chest.

Skip gets home and fills a bowl full of milk and a can of tuna, sits in his chair and smiles as Mr sprinkles leaves nothing left in the bowl. The next morning skip leaps out of his bed covered in excitement and scoops up Mr. Sprinkles "Today we are going out into the world! New best friends"

Skip grabs his glasses and smiley face hat with Mr. Sprinkles in hand and they make their way through the city. As they come up on Mr Wan's store Skip starts to greet him showing him his new friend "Mr Wan! Look I found a -" "Get that filthy beast away from my store!" Skip stops, shuttered by the action of Mr. Wan "Bu Bu but Mr. W-" " No filthy animals near my store!" Standing in shock Skip turns slowly to walk away. Suddenly Mr. Sprinkles eyes turn red, he leaps out of Skips arms onto the stores countertop scattering all of the various Foods on to the floor, he then leaped into Mr Wan's stomach spilling his guts out,crawling up his chest, through his throat then out of his mouth. Mr. Wan's lifeless body hits the floor. Mr Sprinkles jumps up on the countertop beginning to clean himself. Chills crawl up Skips skin and tears swell in his eyes, not knowing what else to do skip grabs the bloody cat and takes off through the street not looking back until he reaches his door. Bolting inside and slamming the door behind him he drops Mr. Sprinkles on the floor, slides down the door and sits in utter shock. "wha- wha- what just happened?" Tears start running down his face as he sits in fear and confusion until he finally crys himself to sleep. For what feels like only moments later Skips eyes open to Mr Sprinkles sitting on his chest. " I am the king of the feline world. I am ruler of all a in Havok City. I was misplaced during a hunt when those crude boys cornered me and the others scattered. You showed me kindness and I will forever be In your debt. anyone who dishonors you will suffer my wrath!" Speechless, Skip can only blink as the fear paralyzes his body. Mr.Sprinkles jumps off of Skips chest and out through the window. Skip gets to his feet and looks out the window. Mr. Sprinkles can be seen sitting on the roof of the building across the street. just in his forview the two boys bodies are hanging lifeless on the wire that runs along the street, their stomachs opened and their internal organs on display

A voice comes from behind Skip. " you think you could pick up some more pickled eggs when you are out Skip?"
"No Milton, orangutans don't eat pickled eggs. You will get the juice on your suit"


© Thomas Portella Jr