

If others think that your life lacks meaning, prove them wrong. What are the things or people that gave your life meaning?

In one of the sreet there was a young girl called Hellen. This was a girl who was studdying different schools in every year due to her parents if they head that their neigbours told them a school which is good. In her all prep upto primary schools learn 7 schools and in secondary 2 schools.
At the first time in her first school she was performing very well but due to how she was continue going different school she was droping. Due to that when her parents got information that the school which her daughter was studdying usually perform bad plas how she was performing bad they were only continue exchange her.
In her result at the first days her mother was standing to her well, but in how days were going she could not even care about her. Because she gave her allot of stroke And say allot of bad words to her but she could not perform well. Due to that she was not consider with her anything, even when exam were near by and she have seen her she could not touch her exercise books she could not tell her anything. Than asking her about the days of when they will close the school. She was only consider with the daughter of her relative in most time due to how she was very fast to understand but her daughter was slow leners. The name of that girl called Vivian. So in every things about her properties was showing either her or her young sisters.

Hellen was consatrating on herself. In school she was only consatrating to be not the top 20 of the last pupils. In how she was performing her fellow pupils were wondering in how they have perform And how will they face their parents but her she was not wondering about that. Even if she was the last, she could not ever hide or lying to their parents about result.
In her class she was like one madame who was teaching them Kiswali subject. This was madame who was like to prepare pupils how to answer their examination. three weeks before their exam she was giving them test in older to know how will they answer in her subject And do correction in question which they have fail. Due to that Hellen see all subject were easy to her.

In studdying she was not studdying at home, because she could not like at all. She was going to her fellow pupils in tuition and time of the class and solve the different papers. When turning back home her mother say her like she was not like to studdy at all. When two days remain her mother told her the exam are near and Hellen answer "Mhhh" ( To accept while continue doing her own business) Her mother just look her and say nothing, she thought telling her about that maybe she will touch even a book, but she could not and went to her room.
When the exam came, they sate only three days, Because they were having only five subjects to do, although they were studdying seven subject. Two subject were being mixed in two subject among of those five subjects which were doing Because they were interact each others. In those two days they were doing only two subject each and the last days they done only one subject.

After exam ends Hellen was being transported and start her pre form one studies. When continue studdying after two months results were ready. Her mother was not went even to seen her results, and her last young sister was the one who look those results and told her that her daughter has perform.
In how proud she was and in how has received that information only her mother with her young sister know about that but not a writer.