

Gender stereotypes: An Unknown Belief!
As Homer said; "silence makes a woman more beautiful".
That is what Homer used to thought or more than a thought this underlined phrase of Homer giving inference about the prevalent practices in Greece society of his time. The time when women positioned lower to men. The patriarchy dominant society where women had less or no say in public matter and just confined to household. But, since then public domain has transformed many fold, it has run the gamut from statusquoist domination to Constitution guarantees. If, one turns the pages of history one will find various female figures who were no less than their male counterparts. One of the excerpts, I would like to infer here from the 1857 war of Independence(India) between Queen Lakshmibai and the English captain Hugh Rose who described Queen in such words; " Man among all in battlefield " &"personable, clever and beautiful”, and that she is “the most brave of all. Now you readers tell me who is right in approach "Homer" or "Hugh Rose" in giving account of a women. I don't know on what bases Homer maid that statement, probably his inclination in preserving the then Greece society but "Hugh Rose" praise of Queen should have bearing in mind; it was the result of mold that was started flowing in the entourage. She was the lady who protected her son ( a male) not hoped for a man to give her a cover instead. Whether it is Rosa Parks who stood firm till culmination of withdrawing racial apartheid in liberal democracy of the USA or many unknown faces active today in getting their natural rights back.