

After Xiao Yin lost his roommate, Lin Aiguo agreed to live with him. And then on the third of June, Xiao Yin and Lin Aiguo were on their way to the police station, travelling the roads by Xiao Yin’s car, since they were needed on a new and mysterious case. When there was only one kilometre more, to reach the station, Lin Aiguo got a call ordering them to take a detour towards an old and abandoned building. It seemed as though some people had spotted the victim there.

When Lin Aiguo and Xiao Yin arrived at the scene, they found Zhang Wei, already instructing the people to move away from the scene, and behind the yellow tape. Many people had their cameras out and were videoing what was going on. It was a horrifying scene. “It seems that her name is Lian Mingmei. An eighteen- year- old student from Tianjin International School,” Zhang Wei told his two friends. The person who Zhang Wei was referring to, was the victim, a young girl, whose body was now dangling down by the neck on a rope that was tied onto the building’s window frame. Although the building was old and abandoned, its structure was strong. “It seems to me as though it was a suicide case,” Xiao Yin remarked. “You can say that,” Lin Aiguo mentioned, walking into the building as it was safer to get the body back through the window instead of throwing it down, which would then cause further damage to the evidence, “But according to her frightened facial expression, there could be something else.”

Once the body had been lifted in, Lin Aiguo put on his gloves and examined it, “The time of death is somewhere between five to six last evening. It is a suicide. No one else’s marks or traces are on her body. However, this suicide feels strange. Why kill herself here? Send the body to the lab. I’ll check it over there… Where’s the victim’s family? Do they know about this?” A young and new policeman named Li Xiu Ying answered, “Yes. Her father died two years ago. Only the mother is thought to be alive. I think she is on her way here now. “The body was moved outside. Just then Zhang Wei received a call from the station. “Her mother has killed herself as well!” He exclaimed, “Behind the building. Someone has spotted her there.” The police ran to the back of the building. After slight investigation, Lin Aiguo claimed that the mother’s death was just the same as her child’s. “Are they in a tough financial situation?” Lin Aiguo asked. Several police shook their heads in dismay. This was obviously not just suicide. The mother and daughter could have been threatened, and when the police found a small gun, by the name QSZ- 92 next to the window where the mother was hung, their suggestion seemed correct. Although the gun was found, it was obvious that it had not been in use, since the pistols were still fully loaded. There were no fingerprint traces on the gun either, but there were clear signs of a small piece of rubber, stuck onto the trigger which probably came from a glove. “The threatener is skilled and has a gun. I assume he is a member of the police, army or navy,” Xiao Yin assumed. “Sir, the scary thing, is that there is no station, other than ours for miles, so what if the murderer is from our station?” Li Xiu Ying stammered. No one knew an answer to that. Things were just getting scarier.

Soon, the army and navy were ruled out of the crime, because Lin Aiguo made another discovery in finding a small piece of dark blue fabric, stuck between two pistols. That was when the whole station started to tremble. Xiao Yin instructed Zhang Wei and Li Xiu Ying to look for anyone in the station who might be related to the two threatened suicides. The two tactful policemen caught two suspects. One was a policewoman named, Bao Jun Lee, and the other was a policeman named, Li Jie.

As a treat for Li Xiu Ying’s hard work as a new policeman, Lin Aiguo allowed Li Xiu Ying to accompany him in interrogating the suspects.

First was Bao Jun Lee. “Tell me. How much do you know about Lian Mingmei and her mother?” Li Xiu Ying questioned.

“I barely know them. We met at the supermarket the other day and only said hi. Also, the gun you found, is not mine,” Bao Jun Lee paused and brushed her hand against the tip of her nose. Lin Aiguo observed this. Then Bao Jun Lee continued, “I really don’t know her. Aiguo, you are a great person. Don’t tarnish your name by arresting the wrong person… Specially your colleague.” Lin Aiguo simply gave a small smile and walked out of the room. “Professor I- “Come, Xiu Ying. Don’t waste your time with a liar,” Lin Aiguo called from the hallway. “Liar?” Li Xiu Ying asked, rushing out to catch up with his professor. “When a person lies, the tip of their nose tends to feel uncomfortable, twitching or brushing it would relieve that feeling,” Lin Aiguo answered, “There is no need to integrate Li Jie as well. Allow him to continue with his work. We just need solid evidence to prove that Bao Jun Lee is the murderer.” Li Xiu Ying was awestruck, “Sir. I’ll help you to my fullest. Trust me.” Lin Aiguo patted cute little Li Xiu Ying on the back and went off to tell his friends the news.

“How to find more evidence?” Zhang Wei moaned. “Idiot! Just get a hold of all her attire and the two pieces of clothing that I found on the gun… Also get a few pictures of her with the gun,” Lin Aiguo irritably yelled, “Tarnish my name… Gosh that woman is a psychopath!” What Lin Aiguo said made complete sense but the way he said it seemed as if he had multiple personality disorder. As in one personality that was innocent and the other who was a ruffian. “When did you start talking like that?” Xiao Ying asked hurriedly and sprinted away when Lin Aiguo shot him a vicious glance.

Within two hours, after a great battle with Bao Jun Lee, on whether the police were allowed to touch her clothes, the contents of her whole closet were eventually brought to Lin Aiguo, who took just one look at them and inquired, “Did you check her garbage bin?” The police wondered why the lightning strike that had just struck Lin Aiguo, didn’t strike them first. And sure enough, when the police, this time led by the little clever, Li Xiu Ying, dug into Bao Jun Lee’s garbage bin, they found her old uniform and a pair of rubber gloves.

“We have evidence now. You can’t deny it,” Li Xiu Ying clearing his throat and trying to sound just like his mentor, Lin Aiguo, told Bao Jun Lee in the interrogation room. The little brave policeman then laid out the evidence in front the threatener on the table. Lin Aiguo watched proudly at his new disciple from behind the one- sided glass. “What do you say to that?” Li Xiu Ying asked Bao Jun Lee.

“Yes. I threatened her. Sorry. I know I can’t escape this anymore. Lin Aiguo is just too smart. I- I- That ballistic woman, plotted against me with her daughter, and then sent my husband into a huge financial crisis after having hacked his account so secretly. Mrs Mingmei was my friend, until her boyfriend chose me. And then after our marriage, my husband’s life went downhill, financially and mentally. I could not help it anymore, so then I decided to threaten them. I asked them to pay me my money back or I would kill them. I then took my unloaded gun out. The mother and daughter then started running towards that old building and I could no longer hold it and so then loaded my gun, accidentally tearing a piece of my uniform and getting it entangled with the pistols. I didn’t shoot, but previously I did meddle with the trigger, leaving a piece of my rubber glove on it. Then, the mother produced two ropes from her big pockets and said that she and her daughter had being guilty for years and they wanted to end their lives. I was too shocked so I dropped my gun there and ran. I didn’t expect…” Bao Jun Lee cried.

The policewoman’s crime wasn’t that massive but she had played a huge role in the victims’ strange family death, so she was sentenced to four years in jail. Also, due to her negligence as a policewoman, she was banned from entering that field every again.

After the imprisonment, Zhang Wei asked Lin Aiguo, “So you found yourself a disciple then?”