

Dijacova high: Welcome to the school of the rich (Chapter 2: Greyson Starr)
Dijacova high: Welcome to the school of the rich- Art is life 🥀(The making of the world's newest band and love story)

Sam glanced down at his map and up at the hall the map directed him to. He strode through the hall passing a student that sat at the chair against the wall close to the door that said Dean Diego Velázquez playing on his iPad.

He balled his hand and knocked on the door. Feet tapping anxiously on the ground as he waited after the knock.

Knock knock again on the door, chewing on his inner cheek.

"You're gonna have to wait." Someone said from behind Sam. 

He snapped his neck back to the person that spoke. The student that sat on the chair ran his hand through his hair, throwing his grey hood down.

Sam took in the student with dark blonde hair tussled messily on his angular face. His hair looked rough like he'd been running his hand through it one too many times yet it somehow suited laying on his face.

His bright brown eyes glanced up at Sam with a bored glint in them before going back to the screen of his iPad.

He was wearing black pants with a grey hoodie that had a silver colored crest on the chest of the hoodie that had a few words Sam couldn't read with the distance except the boldly written Class 160– Art is life with red thread.

His fingers were tapping away on the iPad screen, a red ring glinted on his finger from the light of the iPad screen. He was wearing black sneakers with Dijacova high written on the soul of the sneaks.

"What?" Sam's eyebrows knitted.

Sounds of clamouring and clashing, along with battle cries were coming from the silver and black iPad in the student's hand. 

He glanced up at Sam, and again quickly went back to staring at his screen. "You're gonna have to wait until you're called in."

Sam's frown deepened before realization dawned on his face and he nodded. "Oh, okay."

He took a seat next to the student, glancing at the boy that paid him no mind awkwardly.

Sam's eyes caught the game the student was playing. Zombie RoadKill Sam recognized the game. Sam played the game every time back home, he even created a game identical to Zombie RoadKill because of how much he loved it. 

A shadow smile appeared on Sam's face watching the student get swamped by zombies from all corners, losing every time, he'd go back to purchase more grenades and upgrade his guns to start the level again but ended up failing. Sam could almost burst into laughter at the constant failing.

Sam inched closer to get a better view on the game when– "Is there a reason you're staring?" The student paused the game. "Didn't your mom teach you that it's rude?" He was now staring fully at Sam. 

Sam's pale cheeks turned pink a little before he cleared his throat and fixed his drooping glasses.

The student's thick brown eyebrows knotted. "Do you speak English?"

Sam scoffed at the statement. "Of course I speak English." The statement was heavily accented but every word was spoken correctly.

He dropped the iPad on his lap. "Sorry, you well, you're Asian so–"

"–So you assumed I could not speak English?" Sam couldn't help the snort. "Americans." Sam muttered. Sam didn't know if the kid was American but he looked close enough to the ones Sam saw on screen. 

The kid's furrow deepened. "Aren't you assuming now? I mean you didn't know what I was going to say–"

"–Your assumption was clear enough, agdang (scoundrel)," Sam added the insult in irritation.

The kid chuckled a bit, staring at Sam in amusment. "Cool it firecracker, I didn't mean to piss you off, I was just pointing out that you were staring like a creeper."

Sam's eyes widened momentarily before they shot a glare at the chuckling student. "I was not staring at you American, I was watching the game, which I feel the need to point out that you are very terrible at."

The kid stopped chuckling, but there was a hint of a smile on his light pink lips. He raised an eyebrow at Sam, and cleared his throat to appear remotely serious.

"And you think you could do better Firecracker?" The student asked with a smile he was trying to conceal. This kid couldn't help but find Sam cute as he was red with irritation.

Eomeoni saekki (mother fucker) Sam breathed before saying, "first of all never call me firecracker," Sam stuck one finger out to number his statement. "Second, I know the game well enough to not fail level 10 every single time."

"Nobody in my dorm can pass level ten," The student countered.

Sam snorted, giving him a droll stare. "Americans, always thinking you know better than everyone else," Sam tsked, he really didn't know much about Americans but this one was proving the facts about Americans on screen true. "First of all, grenades and landmines will not kill the Alpha zombie, target the head of the Alpha Zombie and place the landmines for the other Zombies."

The student just stared at him at first, until Sam said, "go ahead."

He picked his iPad from his lap and unpaused the game. Sam watched the game start, and watched the student do exactly what he told him. 

The Alpha zombie was so close to the student's avatar before he managed to take it down with a headshot.

Sam wrapped his arms around his chest, puffing it out a little in pride.

The student cracked into a wide smile. "Well no kidding, you do know your shit firecracker."

Sam grimaced at the endearment he was dubbed. He didn't even know if he could call it that, was Firecracker supposed to be an insult? What was it with the students in this school calling him names related to fire? Was it because his hair was auburn? This was just his first day in school and two students had already given him similar nicknames.

"You are an idiot." Sam couldn't help but hissed, his pale cheeks turning red with irritation.

Even with Sam glaring at him the moron was laughing at Sam. 

"I'm sorry," The student apologized in between laughs noticing Sam's glare. "Damn, you're one savage little nerd aren't you?"

Sam glared at the American even harder, raining cusses at him in his head.

The American finally stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "Sorry. What's your name Firecracker–?"

"Sam Kyeon!" A voice called out from beyond the Dean's door.

Both Sam and the student turned to the door. "You're called." The student said.

Sam grabbed his luggage from the tiled ground and headed for the door. Sam paused close to the door and glanced back at the student.

"Hope to never see you again, American." Sam could hear the student laughing as he headed inside the office.

The first thing Sam noted as he entered inside the Dean's office was it was cool, cooler than the average room temperature.

Sam eyed his surroundings first. The decor of the room was white, a bride white, with silver strokes on the wall. An air conditioner by the side of the window. A coat hanger close to the table.

Nothing much in the room, except for how bloody cold it was inside.

"Take a seat Mr. Kyeon." Sam darn near tripped, startled by the sudden deep voice.

Sam's hand squeezed his bag turning to the dark grey eyes that stared coldly at him. 

The Dean sat across the table. Red hair almost considered brown, curly and oiled on his head. A squared jaw with a clean shave. 

He looked quite old, but definitely very handsome for a middle-aged man. 

The Dean was wearing a white long sleeve with the first button undone. The grey suit of the long sleeve kept on the coat hanger.

He had glasses almost similar to Sam's own on his face but Sam could see that his were clearly way more expensive than his.

Sam swallowed at the man's cold and scrutinizing stare, then did as instructed, taking a seat.

The Dean touched the side of his glasses, fixing them a bit. "Samuel Kyeon?"

Sam shook his head and cleared his throat. "No sir, it is just Sam Kyeon, Sam not the English name, Sam the Korean name."

The man's thick but perfectly carved eyebrows knitted a bit. "Very well, Sam Kyeon, I am Dean Diego Velázquez as you must have seen on my door," Sam nodded.

Dean Diego pulled out a brown file from his stack of books and files on his table and opened it.

"Sam Kyeon from South Korea. The 18 year old that managed to hack our security system in just three minutes." Sam could hear a twinge of accent in his voice but that was about it.

His eyes rose from the file up at Sam. "My my my, do you have any idea how impressive that is?" Sam's cheeks pinkened at the slight appraisal. "A hood rat from Korea was able to hack Dijacova high security system in three minutes. That is beyond impressive."

Sam subconsciously bowed his head, unable to understand if he was being praised or insulted, the man's cold yet blank tone wasn't helping.

"Tell me Sam why did you decide to hack our security system?" Dean Diego asked.

"Uh...Well sir….I've always heard about this school since I was a child." The cops back at Seoul used to plaster prints about the school like a darn ad everywhere to encourage little thieves and delinquents that there was more to life than the slums there were in. 

"2 years ago I started becoming curious about the school, so I researched more about it. I like challenges, I like difficulties, I guess hacking your security system was a difficulty… Well I thought it would be."

Sam didn't add that he'd been trying to hack their system since those 2 years and finally did it a month ago.

The Dean nodded. "You are an interesting kid, Sam Kyeon." He said, eyes descending back to the file.

"Sam Kyeon, placed in hall 106, grouped with Gracing 106, motto Art is life…." The man trailed off, then glanced up at Sam.

"Interesting," He muttered under his breath. "I wonder why they would place you with that group? A mid-senior grouped with a bunch of seniors."

He cleared his throat. "I wish you the very best of luck with that group Sam," He said with a knowing edge in his voice.

"Greyson Starr!" The Dean yelled out.

It took a moment but someone came in with a familiar iPad in his hand. Sam's eyes trailed up to the face of the American student he'd met outside.

The kid or rather Greyson glanced at Sam with a smirk earning a glare from Sam. 

"Yes sir." Greyson quipped with a shadow smirk on his face.

"Take a seat Mr Starr." Greyson complied, taking the seat next to Sam. 

Sam wanted to smack that smirk out of his face. 

"Mr Starr, I'd like you to be Mr Kyeon's escort, show him around school, to his dorm, and his designated tailor." Greyson nodded at the order. "Don't get any ideas Greyson, I'm still going to punish you."

Greyson visibly pouted. 

"What were you thinking dumping red paint on a senior prefect?" Dean Diego asked.

Greyson folded his arms around his chest, and shrugged. "What was Dominic's stupid guard mutts thinking dumping water on me? I just reciprocated the action, with a little more… Color."

Dean Diego gave Greyson a droll stare as if used to his antics. "Usef is a senior prefect, he has every right to dump water on you when you're sleeping instead of attending classes."

Greyson leaned forward and stuck his pointer finger out. "Now, now, I do not remember the sleeping part, matter of fact, I deny that heinous allegation." Greyson countered with a look that he was offended by the allegation.

"Four times Greyson, four times this week you've been sent here."

"Maybe I just like spending time with my favorite Dean." Greyson said with a smirk.

The Dean shook his head. "This is Sam's file. Show him around school. Sam I pity you for being grouped with Gracing 106." Dean Diego said, handing the brown file to Greyson.

"Aww, Deigo, you know you love us." Greyson remarked with a smirk.

The Dean deadpanned. "Get out."

And so Greyson and Sam ended up outside the office with the door slammed at them. 

Sam turned awkwardly at Greyson. Greyson gave him a mischievous smile. "Gracing 106 eh, you are one lucky devil firecracker, we're the best out of all the groups."

Somehow Sam couldn't help but think the opposite of his new group.

^^^Author's note ^^^

*What do you think of this chapter? I am yet to update the chat story but I will soon. What about Greyson, what do you think of him already? And Gracing 106 group? What kind of students do you think they'll be? And what do you think the Art of life motto of Gracing 106 group means?

Tell me you thought! please like and comment if you like this story already! (╯3╰)💖

A picture of Greyson Starr 👇 👇

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