

Journey to Anpu ❤Island: Chapter 2
The Journey continued, as i travel inland towards the grove of trees
🌳🌳🌳🌳 and on a cliff was where the entrance of the island spat me out 🧗‍♂️.

What a sight to behold 🥺🤩 In front of me was a land so beautiful and grand just waiting to be explored🤗 The trees where as tall as corporate buildings in huge cities, the air was as refreshing as a glass of water after being thirsty for so long was so much more appealing than the foul sent of petrol 🤤 The sounds of waterfalls instead of car alarms was true peace of mind. The flowers were as colourful as fireworks on January 1rt🤩‼️ What a melting pot of species🥳

As I stood on the cliff admiring the scenery until something that at first glance caught my eyes👁️👁️ What appeared as a bird 🐦 in the distance soon came closer and closer until I realised that it was some strange species of birds only found on this island🤨. I said to myself "What do they feed the animals on the island? Steroids" because that bird was buff💪🏾. Out of pure curiosity I stayed to see what it is, for it had flapped its wings with grace☺️ "what an elegant creature" I thought to myself, however fear 😱 came over as I saw the gorilla with wings. For the second time since coming to this island I was like "WHAT THE FUCK😧 Back in the real world gorillas don't have wings" so I started running on the edge of the cliff. The gorilla started to chace me as I ran as fast as an ostrich but at the speed at which the monkey bird was gaining it was as if I was a turtle was trying to flee from a cheetah. Out of breath, almost out road, I stopped🚫. I looked around to find if their was anyway to get down off cliff👁️👁️ with no where to go I stood on the edge of the cliff 😬face to face with a n angry beast I quickly drew my blade and as the Gorilla charging at me the floor from underneath us collapsed and like leaves from a tree we started falling. Luckily for the monkey bird it had wings so it flew off and left me to die😵. Luckily there was a pile of sand that I fellselI🥴 Safe was how I felt so i laid in the sand to catch my breath 😩 "I'm still alive, I'm still alive " was what i whispered to myself. Then all of a sudden I felt something bit me on the neck it stung as if I had placed dry ice ice on my skin. I felt a million legs crawling all over me and so it turned out that the pile of sand was the nest of fire ants the sizes of beetles and they were all over me🤯 I ran off screaming all the while shedding my clothes 😨 itching and scratching all over I rushed towards the tree that appeared to be a coconut tree🥥. Using the blade I chopped the tree down and used the water from the coconuts to cool the burns. Turning back to get the clothes I have shed I saw a pack of wolf bats ready to devour the food from the backpack. I quickly drew the blade and threw the shell of a coconut that I was drinking from and the wolf bats rushed at me quicker than the water from my shower. I grabbed the blade and beheaded one of them and the rest of them ran off. "What a BIZZAR place" I said in a whisper 🤦🏾‍♂️. "Yes it is!!" said an echoing voice in the distance🤨👂🏾
© King Of The Clouds 🌬