

Most Deserving...
Apolo kissed his mother's palms and vowed to be back victorious. That was only because he loved his mother the most. He learned sweating, struggling and living independent by witnessing her nurturing him.

Matilda did thinking, talking and most importantly doing things she needed to. If there was one thing that would disappoint Matilda then it was losing. And she was having more than that fight because her parents were not supporting her.

Jack practiced when he woke up and before sleeping. It was more of a feed for him, practicing every now and then routinely, even between school breaks. He had invested all his time because he was determined of success. His energy was completely invested into it.

Riley was always challenged by her health condition. But no, giving up was assuring her that she was not going to attain the best of things. She was working hard every possible once and way she could.

Frank lived in the poorest life a person could live. He rarely had three meals in three straight days. He worn rugs daily, stitched patches as if desinatory, everywhere the garment. Starting with selling land, furniture, house, utensils then the last family jewellery and still his family could not survive life, he was left with nothing and no one. He was rendered homeless. But he lived and was determined.

Noor was never good at it. The best word at least there is artless. But how did she do it? How did she become artful? By doing it and doing it. She become one of the best.

They wasted their money, energy, power, and even sleeps for they want a win. All the capabilities and beyond of struggling and beyond was showcased among them.

Today is the race. Apolo - number 31, Matilda - number 14, Jack - number 15, Riley - number 07, Frank - number 68, Noor - number 22; they are going to compete.

Who is the most Deserving?

Who deserves this win today? Today is the race day. 31, 14, 15, 07, 68, 22: which torso number person should win the race? They all faced harsh, faced hard. We have been believing that a had work comes with a good reward and it is true. But they all worked and for sure, not all of them will be winners.

It is not necessary for the one whose mother is being struggling for to win.
It is not necessarily for the one who is struggling in having family's support to win.
It is not necessarily for the one who invests all the time and energy to win.
It is not necessarily for the one who is ill yet hard working to win.
It is not necessary for the one who is poor and homeless yet struggling to win.
It is not necessary for the one who tries till being good at thing to win.

The most Deserving is the who always behaves deserving in all races on and on.

#deserving #nevergiveup #truggle #dontgiveup #Support #inspring