

Ben Ten
I was in class when the previous episode of Ben Ten ruined my thoughts. The gallery of the incredible scenes I watched scrolled through my mind. I could see nothing before me except the projection of Ben Ten, turning into different powerful animals and objects. It was two O'clock already and I was left with only thirty minutes to disappear from the class room. That's very day was actually the last episode so I couldn't afford to miss it.
The maths teacher, Sir Sampson was in class during the last period but I was in deaf ears. The imaginations of Ben Ten arrested my senses that every sensitive part of my body was connected to the scenes. The topic for the Maths period was, "Word problem". I could only hear the teacher speaking and his goice ecjoed all around. My eyes oooed at the board though, yet my mind was a thousand miles away from the class room. I asked for the time and it was only five minutes left for the bell to be rung. The next thing I heard was, "Start work!!!". I became conscious and looked at the board. I was totally at sea because I couldn't answer even a single question. I sighed and took my exercise book. I decided to do my best in order to finish as early as possible and vanish from the class room after the remaining minutes. Within the five minutes, I could only copy he questions and write incorrect formulars. Sir Sampson screamed, "Stop work!!!" and my paper was taken out of my hands as if I was in loggerheads with the class prefect. Whilst others stood up discussing whether the answer was '25' or '20', I was gnashing with my heart in my palm. It was ten minutes past three O'clock already but Sir told everyone to sit down. "One wrong, two canes...", I heard from behind.
Suddenly, my palm became pale and my hair stood upright in respect to my ten lashes I was yet to receive. The papers were marked within a twinkle of an eye and the teacher stood before us with five big canes in his palm. Tears and beads of sweat descended my poor face and I looked at the teacher with grimace. "No pity for the crippled!"...his favorite term was passed out. The highest was '5/10' and it was scored by the most brilliant girl in my class, Serena (my crush). Even those who jubilated after the paper did not exceed five. I became totally hopeless and my fair was nothing to compare with a dot. Serena was lashed mercilessly together with the few who had 'five'.
I looked at my watch hysterically and hit it hard, thinking I would also turn into one of Ben Ten's mysterious objects. I just remembered I didn't write my name on the paper. The bell rung for everyone to vacate the class room so Sir Sampson promised to deal with the rest of us the next day.
I gave a deep breath and took my bag in anxiety. The Ben Ten dreams were substituted with the disastrous was I was urged to face the next day. On my way home, I was troubled with two questions, 'Is the teacher infrindging on our rights by lashing us mercilessly?' and 'Is it right for him to lash us anyhow?'... I gave a sigh..

© Jay Lit