

Frustrated as hell, don't know what to do now. it seems like every door is locked and no one is here to help. feeling too tired of everything and everyone. career, money, relationships, family..... don't know if i will make them happy or not, make myself happy or not. but the thing is i can't quit coz the path i have chosen has no way to quit. it's do or die and i can't die coz i'm not married yet(pun intended) so i have do it. No matter how hard it seems or how frustrated i'm, no matter how many people taunt me or don't believe in me. their is just one thing that i have to prove them all wrong. not everyone is same and born to do govt. jobs or things like this. Some people want something different amd for that one needs courage which i have. Their is still hope that i can do something. Hope that one day i will say myself that i made it. also to tell someone that you didn't believe me but i did and now you can see.
PS : I just wrote what was happening in my mind.