

The Mystical Holograms

Meera sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the rain as it drummed against her window. The evening sky was a gloomy gray, and her heart felt just as heavy. At twenty-two, life hadn't turned out the way she had imagined.

All through her childhood, Meera believed in people. She trusted easily, loved deeply, and expected the best. But every time, it seemed, she ended up hurt. Friends who betrayed her, family who misunderstood her, and a boyfriend who had left her heart in pieces. She was tired—tired of opening herself up only to be let down.

"Why?" she whispered into the empty room. "Why does everyone betray me? What have I done to deserve this?"

The silence was deafening, so she spoke louder, her voice trembling with emotion. “God, why is it always me? Why am I always the one who trusts the wrong people?”

Tears streamed down her face, her sobs echoing through the small room. She clutched her pillow tightly, her heart aching as if the weight of the world had settled onto her chest. Meera had never felt so alone, so broken. For years, she had been carrying the pain of countless disappointments, and now, it felt unbearable.

In the midst of her despair, she dropped to her knees beside her bed, her face buried in her hands. "Please," she whispered through her tears, "if you exist, if you're listening, I just want to understand. I just want to know who I can trust, who really cares."

It was a prayer from the depths of her soul—a cry for help.

Suddenly, the room felt different. The air became still, the rain seemed to soften, and Meera felt a strange warmth envelop her. She lifted her head and blinked through her tears. The room was the same, but somehow, it felt... brighter.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was imagining things, but when she opened them again, she wasn’t alone. A figure stood at the foot of her bed, glowing softly, radiating a comforting presence.

Meera gasped, her heart racing. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was a woman, dressed in simple white robes, her face kind yet powerful. There was an ethereal glow about her, like she wasn’t entirely of this world.

"Who—who are you?" Meera stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

The woman smiled gently. "I am a messenger of the divine. You have been heard, Meera. Your heart is heavy with pain, and your soul seeks answers."

Meera could hardly breathe. She had prayed before, cried out in despair, but never had she expected an answer like this.

"You feel betrayed," the woman continued, "and you have been. But not everyone you meet is unworthy of trust. Some are true, some are kind, but your heart has been clouded by the pain of the past."
Meera nodded, still trembling. "But how can I know? How can I ever trust anyone again?"

The woman stepped closer, her eyes filled with understanding. "I will grant you a gift. From this moment on, you will be able to see the thoughts of those you meet, their true feelings. Not their words, but their intentions. You will see them, like a hologram above their heads, whenever you dream."

Meera's eyes widened. "A hologram? Of their thoughts?"

"Yes," the woman nodded. "Their thoughts and feelings will be visible to you in your dreams. This way, you will know who is sincere and who is not. You will no longer have to guess."

Meera felt a surge of hope, but also confusion. "In my dreams? But what if I meet someone and I need to know right away?"

The woman’s smile softened. "In time, you will learn to trust your own instincts, Meera. The dreams are there to guide you, but your heart will grow stronger with this knowledge. You will no longer be blind to the truth of others."

Meera's mind raced. She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to feel. This was beyond anything she had ever imagined. "Will this... really help me?"

"Yes," the woman said, her voice gentle but firm. "But remember, this is not a tool for revenge or judgment. It is a gift to help you heal, to help you trust wisely."

Meera’s tears had stopped. She felt something lift inside her, a sense of relief she hadn’t known she needed. "Thank you," she whispered.

The woman smiled once more, then slowly faded, leaving Meera alone in her room again. The warmth lingered, and for the first time in a long while, Meera felt... lighter.
Now Meera had become able to see a Hologram of thought of all the people .

She was standing in a park she often visited, the one near her college. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and it all felt so real. Then she saw someone approaching—a friend of hers, Priya. They often studied together, but Meera had always had a nagging feeling that Priya didn’t truly care for her. She always seemed distracted, never fully present in their conversations.

As Priya came closer, Meera noticed something strange. Above Priya’s head was a faint light, like a hologram. She blinked, and the light grew clearer. It was a string of words, floating in the air: "I don't really care about her. I'm just being polite."

Meera’s heart sank. So, it was true. Priya didn’t care about their friendship. She was just pretending. Meera felt a mix of sadness and relief. At least now, she knew.

The next morning, Meera woke up, her heart still heavy with the truth she had seen. But as the days passed, she began to notice that her dreams showed her more. Each night, someone new would appear—a colleague, a family member, a stranger she had met during the day—and above their heads, their true thoughts would be visible.

Some were kind: "I really admire her strength."
Some were indifferent: "She’s nice, but I don't think about her much."
And some were hurtful: "She’s so naive. She’ll never make it."

The dreams were revealing, sometimes painful, but always truthful. Slowly, Meera began to understand the people around her in ways she never had before. She saw who was genuine and who was pretending. She saw who cared and who only wanted something from her.

One night, her brother appeared in her dream. They had always had a distant relationship, and Meera had often felt that he didn’t care much about her. But as she looked above his head, the words that appeared surprised her: "I wish I could tell her how proud I am. I just don’t know how."

Tears filled Meera’s eyes. All these years, she had thought her brother was indifferent to her, but the truth was something else entirely. The next day, she reached out to him, and for the first time in years, they had a real conversation.

Weeks passed, and Meera began to use her gift wisely. She no longer felt overwhelmed by the people in her life. When someone hurt her or betrayed her, she knew it wasn’t a reflection of her worth, but of their own character. And when she met someone new, she trusted her instincts, knowing that her dreams would reveal the truth in time.

But the real change was in her heart. The more she understood the thoughts and intentions of others, the more she realized that not everyone was out to hurt her. Yes, some people were selfish, some were cruel, but there were also those who were kind, those who truly cared.

One day,Meera met a young man at a café. His name was Arjun, and they struck up an easy conversation. He was funny, charming, and seemed genuinely interested in her. But after so many betrayals, Meera was cautious.

That night, she dreamed of him. She saw him standing in the café, just as they had met earlier. And above his head, the words appeared: "I really like her. I hope she gives me a chance."

Meera woke up with a smile. For the first time in a long while, she felt something she hadn’t felt in years—hope.

Months later, Meera sat on a bench in the park, watching the sunset. Arjun was beside her, holding her hand. Life had changed in so many ways, but most of all, Meera had changed. She no longer feared the people around her. She knew who she could trust, who she could love, and most importantly, she had learned to trust herself.

The gift from the divine had not only shown her the truth about others but had also helped her heal the wounds in her own heart. And now, as she looked at Arjun, she knew she had found someone who truly cared.

As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, Meera whispered a quiet thank you to the universe, knowing that she had finally found peace.The Mystery of Holograms was still a Secret for all.

© Manas

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