


-Has she ever told you a tale?
Of how blain & chancre a part of her feels..
-How fester and gall her mind floats..
-How suppurating sore she is within.
-How she became a wild flower seeking light amidst the darkness...

-the tale that carries the memories of her yesteryears..
-the tale that bears a witness to her painful past..
-And how that tender spot of hers was blown off and blasted into unpickable pieces..

-Her heart was like a fragile bird with paralyzed wings..
-Her cries thundered against the walls of her mysteries..
-Her tears like a river carving paths of sorrow on her face..

-If daggers were words..
-I know she could've hit her enemies with her loud wails & cries..
-And make her ink and papers bear witness to their shoddy falls.
-So they could feel how much pain she'd felt

-How hot those tears were to burn down the hopes in her..
-how aching her soul felt when burdened and bruised..
-the painful memories deeply infused..
-and within those aches is the strength that dies painfully and rekindled yet again

though at the end..
within the gall & soreness..
emerges a newfound brightness out of her previous darkness..

© Hüjjãh_writes
© hujjah