

Welcome, What floor?
I open my window and I sit and display my mind like wind chimes for the breeze to play. several times today I tried to walk away but I'm called back to this shit like there's something I need to say, but it's not just me, this pen is being led, do you feel it? That something that needs to be said? It's not just about my own thoughts being audible, this writing is a vessel, trying to catch what is possibl. So excuse me if I don't say much, I'm just the elevator operator, Can we lift you up, welcome, what floor? You choose what door do we need to open with these words to unearth what we're working towards. What are we working towards?Something big! Climb into the minds of our hearts. What do we dig up?Staring at this blank page there's so much to say, every line is like a headstone that rolls down like domino's, spoken thoughts like street signs, monumenta. The spirits I'm hearing are asking for fire, my soul is like a solar system. They are asking me to fan these flames with my attention. Turn my gaze to what sustains, the whole picture, this whole thing. The electricity we hear when we're listening, the live wire, all the blood, the body of the mystery. I can't cease to dream. I'm like a woman coming out of a coma, breathe in all of life, fall in love with life wonders. I'm a soldier but I no longer carry guns. we are facing a rich man's war with poor man's blood. a good heart is where it starts, beating like a drum on fire. mother Earth is a planet not an empire. the right to raise our voice is different than the ability to be heard. speak up don't let others hold you back from what you have to say. the system isn't broken it was built that way. you can save more lives by taking pins from politicians then guns away from law abiding citizens. no more lies, no more wars, if opportunity doesn't knock then I'm gonna build a door. a little piece of love can leave a permanent mark, if you like to make this journey take my hand it's time to start. We've been torn apart by race, religion and blind rage, but that's just the stage as we learn to unite. Now is the time to tell the truth, maybe we can bring some light to this fucked up dark world.
© kristy ellison flake