

May 25th a day I'll never forget.
On May 25th at 7 in the morning I awoke to find my mom had passed in her sleep at age 70.
My mom had C.O.P.D. (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). She also had a mass on one of her lungs that she was sopost to have a biopsy on before covid hit. She never did get it done even after everything went back to "normal ". She was reliant on oxygen for the past few years.
May 17th she yelled for my to come to her room. When I got to her she said she thought she needed to go to the hospital. I asked her why , and she said she was having chest pains. I promptly got her dressed and called for an ambulance. They took her vitals then loaded her into the ambulance. She called me about 45 minutes later and told me they were going to keep her and run some tests. Then asked me to read off her meds to the E.R doctor. They kept her overnight then released her the following evening.
May 18th approximately 5pm I was woken up by my uncle saying my mom was trying to get ahold of me because she was being released. She showed up about 30 minutes later accompanied by 2 men driving an access van and strapped to a gurney. I was surprised to she her in a gurney. We had to put her in a wheelchair to bring her in the house.
Back to 25th 7 am. For some reason I sprung out of bed. I immediately went to the restroom and as I was sitting there I kept thinking I have to check on my mom. I went to my moms room and stopped at the door to see if I could see her breathing. I always would check to see if she was breathing before anything. ...