

Gone By Sunrise: (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4: Shadows of the Past

The first light of dawn was breaking as Damian returned to his ancestral home, an imposing palace hidden deep within the forest. The stone walls, covered in creeping ivy, held centuries of secrets and traditions. Here, Damian's days were a stark contrast to his nights with Lilith.

Inside the grand entrance hall, his mother, Seraphina, awaited him. Her beauty was timeless, her presence commanding. "Damian," she greeted, her voice cool and composed. "Another night in the village?"

He nodded, removing his cloak. "Yes, Mother. I find it... refreshing."

"Be careful, my son," she warned, her eyes piercing. "Humans are fragile and fleeting."

"I understand," he replied, not meeting her gaze. "Where is Father?"

"In his study, as always," she answered, a hint of disdain in her tone. "He has summoned you."

Damian made his way through the dimly lit corridors, passing portraits of long-dead ancestors. The air was thick with history and expectation. He paused outside his father's study, taking a deep breath before entering.

Victor, the grandmaster vampire of their bloodline and Damian's father, sat behind a massive oak desk, poring over ancient texts. He looked up, his eyes sharp and calculating. "Damian, sit."

He obeyed, sitting opposite his father. "You wanted to see me?"

Victor leaned back, scrutinizing his son. "Your nightly excursions have not gone unnoticed. We have rules for a reason."

"I know the rules, Father," Damian replied evenly. "But I need to see the world outside these walls."

Victor's expression hardened. "Remember your duty. Our family’s legacy depends on us remaining hidden and vigilant."

Damian nodded, biting back his frustration. "I understand."

As he left the study, he encountered his younger sister, Elara, in the hallway. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Did Father scold you again?"

"He just reminded me of our responsibilities," Damian said, ruffling her hair. "What mischief have you been up to?"

Elara grinned. "Just practicing my illusions. Want to see?"

"Maybe later," he said with a smile. "I need to check on Lucien."

Damian headed to the nursery, where his youngest brother, barely more than an infant, was teething. The tiny fangs protruding from his gums were a stark reminder of their nature. He found their mother there, gently rocking Athaius.

"He's growing quickly," Damian observed, leaning against the doorway.

"Too quickly," Seraphina replied, a rare softness in her voice. "He'll soon need to learn our ways."

"I'll help him," Damian promised, looking at the baby with a mix of tenderness and sadness.

"And what of you?" she asked, her tone turning serious again. "Will you remain faithful to our path?"

He hesitated, then nodded. "I will. But I also need to understand more about the world."

As he left the nursery, he crossed paths with his elder brother, Adrian, stumbling through the hall reeking of alcohol. "Still playing the dutiful son, Damian?" Adrian slurred, his eyes bloodshot.

"At least I’m sober enough to fulfill my duties," Damian retorted, steadying his brother. "You should rest."

"Rest," Adrian scoffed, shaking Damian off. "What good does that do in a world like this?"

Damian sighed, watching his brother stagger away. He felt the weight of his family's expectations pressing down on him, but thoughts of Lilith and their nocturnal escapes lightened his burden.

He returned to his room, an austere chamber filled with books and relics of the past. Sitting by the window, he gazed out at the forest, longing for night to fall once more. In the distance, he could almost hear Lilith's laughter, a beacon of light in his shadowed existence.

As the sun rose higher, Damian closed his eyes, dreaming of the next night and the secret world he shared with Lilith. For now, he was trapped in the ancient confines of his family's palace, but soon, he would be free again, even if only for a few precious hours.

© sionx