

Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Axel's POV
I was cooking with the news on in the background. The Dupont couple was missing and that's all that the news was talking about it seemed.
I work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, also known as the FBI. Two bodies around the same age as that couple had been found today. They had been pretty badly beaten and look disfigured. A Romeo and Juliet love story has gone wrong again by the looks of it.
I get a call from my boss Angela telling me to check into the office I grab my coat seeing as it is getting cold and you never know. I follow up by telling my roommate Connor to watch the stove for me. He nods quickly and goes back to his game of Call Of Duty in progress. I leave closing the door on my way out making my way towards the car as I drove to the office.

I arrive to see Angela in a mess of paperwork running her hands through her hair. "Hey, gorgeous what's with the destress? You missed me that much you had to call me down here~" she side glared at me slamming her hands on the desk.
"First off we know I'm a lesbian with my girlfriend out getting coffee as we speak. Second, lower your standards it's sad watching you try so hard. And third, the DNA results are in."
I looked at her in shock seeing how those normally take longer than the given time we have had with the bodies in an autopsy, after all, it's only been four hours and the quickest you can have them back is two hours.
We make eye contact "our John and Jane are who then?" She looks at me with fear visible in her eyes. "Cristina and Gregory Dupont. It looks like a suicide but we can't be sure. Looking at the location the bodies had been found they haven't been on a cruise-"

her energetic girlfriend Vivi walked in cutting Angela's train of thought. Vivi set three iced coffees down on the desk not wasting time to talk again. "hello!! Sorry, I forgot to nock I'm just so excited!! And some more results came in just now turns out the time of deaths has been different and no sexual things have happened within twenty-four hours. I guess even famous people can't have perfect lives!"
Angela takes a sip of her coffee watching her girlfriend's adorable rant unfold in front of her as well as taking in this new information she was presented with. I start to think about the possible events that could lead up to this and how they died. I was told the cause of death was hanging but the cuts and bruises are from her heels found with blood across the room.
We start to look over what we know making many scenarios and putting the puzzle together, we got some basics in before we decide to call the family in.

Annabelle's POV
I get a call from the FBI, as I answer I heard a voice cracking asking if it's- well- me. I tell her yes and she continues to tell me my parents are dead. I'm not surprised or affected by this but they asked me to bring my brothers in for identification of the bodies.

I call my two younger brothers Sebastian and Hashi into the room and tell them to get ready to go somewhere. Not wanting to alarm Hashi who is only 4 years old, "Anna when will Daddy and mommy be home?" I look down at Hashi pulling my leg, I pick him up and connect our eyes. "Not for a while, do you have your jacket?" He gives a sad smile and nods. I can't let him know what happened to them but if the public found out the chances of that would shrink into nothing.
Sebastian comes down on his phone texting his teammates about the upcoming game next week. I grab the keys not caring about needing an adult in the car when I drive my birthday was in two weeks I will be fine.
I put Hashi in his car seat and see Sebastian still in the same place when I first saw him "HEY BONE HEAD COME ON!!" he then runs out and sits in the front seat. I give him the look but he doesn't see for his eyes are glued onto his phone. "Back seat squirt I'm not going until you are back there" he sighs and crawls over the seat to the back.

I start driving heading towards the address I was sent. I followed my map for about 38 minutes before making it there. "Alright wait for me before going in Bas I get Hashi" he slowly gets out not trying to look away from his game. I take Hashi out and walk inside I see a man and two women I politely smile and ask to see Axel. The man chuckled softly and clears his throat before talking. "That's me, can I speak to you alone for a minute?" I set Hashi down, "of course" he leads me to an empty hallway.

"We need you to see if it's them, I don't know if you have told your brothers yet but I advise you don't tell Hashi he might be too young." I nod taking in his words "I would also like to keep this away from the public that would make life harder for all of us." He nods and starts walking, "alright I think we can just put John and Jane Doe on them." I trail behind him gaining the courage to ask him the question on my mind. "how bad are they beaten up?" He stops and looks back at me thinking of a way to put it "pretty bad but someone blood-related needs to see and confirm if you aren't ready I understand" I think about it and look at him "I can do it, now a good time?" He continues walking "yeah this way" I start walking next to him my heart racing from the thought of seeing my parents dead. He opened a door and I walked in to see white sheets over motionless bodies. My parents.
He proceeded to take off the sheet to reveal a male face down to the collar bone. I took a step back, cuts and blood had been everywhere on his body yet his face looked peaceful. I take a closer look realizing it's him but I am in denial not wanting to believe my father is dead. "It can't be him... He is alive on a trip with my mother. They will be back soon and this will be over it's not him. It's can't be!" I'm sobbing not wanting this to be true. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, "listen, kid, I know it's hard but you need to do this, for your brothers ok?" I nod and take a deep breath "it's him." He nods and puts the sheet back before pulling my mom's down again to her collar bone. I instantly know it's her by her hair. I look him in the eyes "that is Cristina." He nods and leaves the sheet down as we walk out of the room.

Life's not going to be the same for a long time.

Hashi's POV
I was playing with a nice lady when sissy came back out with the tall man. "Can we play a little longer pleaseeeeee?!" She nods and quietly talks to the girl, the man she was talking to comes over and smiles "wanna play dino hands?" I ask him hoping he will say yes. He nodded and asked how to play. I made a dinosaur shape with my hand "Rawr I eat plants! Guess the dino?" He puts his finger on his chin "are you a stegosaurus?" I nod at him and we continue till Annie comes over "time to go you ready?" I nod and we leave saying goodbye to the nice friends I made today.

We get home with the camera people in front of the gate talking to my sister. "Close your eyes," she tells me getting out of the car. I do as she said and closed my eyes ten minutes later she comes back and tells me I can open my eyes. She had a bloody nose but the camera people left. "Are you okie?!" I ask she nods and we go inside.

"Want to play doctor so I can fix your boo-boos?" She nods and smiles softly. After that, we go to eat dinner with Sebastian. "Big bass fish!" I yell at him giving him a large wave and I bigger smile. He waves with his head like a cool person! I've always looked up to my brother but I like my sister more we play dress up and do makeup! I have got my cut crease down pretty well, she tells me makeup and dresses up is for everyone, not just girls!! I love my family but I wonder when Mommy and Daddy will be home...

Sebastian's POV
After Hashi went to bed Annabelle walked into my room, "what's up?" I ask still playing games on my phone. She sits down "do you know where we were today?" I shrug "well mom and dad are dead" I drop my phone and start to feel my head spin and my breathing speed up. "Stop- shut up!" She starts crying pulling me into a hug. It's real. It's not some sick prank. I throw her off me and run over to my friend Hunter's house.
"Hey, dude what's up!" I look up at him knowing that I can't say anything due to being famous or whatever. I hate that word so I tend to say overly popular. "Just a lot on my mind. Football in the backyard?" He nods and we walk outback. He understands the media in his face all the time since his mom is an actress in the new show that came out. We toss around the ball till his dad comes out and tells him it's time for him to come inside and said I am welcome to stay the night. I won't have that anymore... No parents. "I should probably go home don't want my sister to worry or get upset you know!" I softly chuckle and try to brush off the pain. "Here boy want me to give you a ride? It's getting dark!" I politely decline and leave heading home to see my worried sister downstairs on the couch. "Hey." She looks at me "WHERE DID YOU GO?! YOU LEFT YOUR PHONE UPSTAIRS SO I COULDN'T TEXT OR CALL YOU!! DON'T RUN OFF LIKE THAT AGAIN!!" she started throwing pillows at me halfway through I look down, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." I feel two arms wrap around me "it's fine I shouldn't have yelled at you"

All I do is run.

Angela's POV
I am looking back on everything interviews left and right nothing. It wasn't a cruise knowing the bodies had been found in a barn. Cristina was clearly a suicide but it's hard to tell with Gregory. The time of death was different so I can have many possibilities here but I need to get an inside look at what their relationship had been like.
I got Annabelle's number still pulled up from this morning so I decided to text her.

Angela 7:46 PM
Hey Ms. Dupont it's
Angela, can I ask you to come in tomorrow for questioning? You aren't in any sort of trouble I am just wondering what home life was like with them, let me know if you are up for it I would find it greatly appreciated!

Annabelle 7:49 PM
Sure I can come in anytime I don't mind. And call me Annie or something no need for formalities! I can stop by after I drop Hashi off at his aunt's house.

Angela 7:50 PM
Alright, no sweat text me when you are on your way. Get some rest it's been a long day we are here for you and your family ❤️

Annabelle 7:52 PM
Ok thank you, goodnight Angela what you have done today means a lot to me

I turn off my phone and look out the window to see it's already getting dark outside. I grab my keys and jacket heading out to my car, Vivi was already home making dinner for us. I pull up and park in the driveway when she comes running out with what looks like blood all over her face. "VIVIAN BALLARD WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF?!?" She ran up and hugged me "I'm sorry I tried to cook some spaghetti but then I got distracted and the kitchen is a mess!!" I let out a sigh of relief and wipe some sauce off her cheek and try it. "Tastes pretty good honestly, come on let's go inside and clean up the mess" she gets in the shower as I start cleaning the kitchen.
After she got out of the shower and I had survived cleaning we ordered a pineapple pizza and cuddled watching a movie till we fell asleep.

Connors POV
I hear Axel walk in and plop down next to me on the couch. "Hey, bro how was work" he grunts and picks up a controller "eventful to put it simply, beat my score yet?" I look at him "I was 5 points away!! How the heck do you get so many kills in 5 minutes?!" He shrugged and started to play Call Of Duty with me, luckily on my team. He played till midnight before going to bed. I stayed up all night and saw him get up in the morning with a cup of coffee around 7. I turn off the game and get up heading over to him, he had been staring into space for a while so I wave my hand in front of his face.
"Dude, did something happen you look sick?" He shook his head and got ready for work. I know something is up but what is it?

Annabelle's POV
I brought Hashi into daycare and left to meet up with Angela. Sebastian is at a football day camp with his team so I am alone, I park in a spot not too far from the entrance and go inside to see Axel. "Hi, Axel is Angela here yet?" He points down a hall "three doors down on your left she's expecting you so don't worry about that nice to see you again." I give him a soft smile "you too" I head down the hall and give a soft knock on the door before slowly opening it revealing a deep in thought Angelica looking over some papers.
"hey hope I'm not interrupting anything." I say walking into her office, Angelica sets her papers aside and looks up at me "no not at all, sorry I was just looking over what we know. Please have a seat can I get you anything? Water, coffee?" I shake my head taking a seat. "so what did you want to know?" I ask bluntly wanting to get this over with her she stands up and hands me a few photos of bloody shoes and clothes. I tell her what I recognize and what I don't.

Angela then goes on to ask what they are like at home. "Well my father Gregory, was what the public made him out to be. Loving, supportive, kind, a bit childish, happy all of it seemed about right he was the nicest guy you could know and easy to talk to he always saw the good in the worst of people. You could bring a mass murder in here and he could find at least one good thing about them; My mother, on the other hand, was way different she used my dad for money and sexual relief, she yelled and drank way more than any person should be able to. When the stupid cameras came around she would always be so fake and act like we are the perfect family."

I take a deep breath and look at Angela who has been writing all this down. "would she ever kill him?" I think about her question she couldn't kill someone but then again it clearly wasn't a murder from someone else and she was a suicide... My dad couldn't commit suicide so it makes no sense for that so I guess she must have killed him wanting all the money for herself then made it look like a suicide felt bad and killed herself but that's just a guess." Angela has been writing everything down so far giving me a nod. "anything else you want to share while you are here?" I shake my head and stand up. "is that all or do you need anything else?" she gestures towards the door "your good to go thank you for your time enjoy your day." I get up and head home to get some sleep from being restless the previous night.

Angela's POV
I give this new information to Vivi who gets back to me a few hours later. I end up going home before her so she texted me.

Vivi❤️ 4:34
Hey so I think I solved it! Also you can cook tonight I give up cooking ;-;

Angela 4:34
Oh? Go on and I already made BBQ chicken so your good lol

Vivi❤️ 4:35
Oh thank god I love youuuuu anyway I put together the events into a small stop motion video. She killed him and attacked him with the heel and about an hour later panicked or felt guilty and killed herself I'ma assume.🤷

Angela 4:35
Holy crap knowing the home situation that sounds right, good job bb love you ❤️ get home you have had a long day.

The next day we went it and found out that's what happened. We where right. We decided to call Annabelle and let her know the events leading up to that. She thanked us and went on with life slowly. A few years down the line she will tell Hashi what happened. The media died down and found a new celebrity family to obsess over. A private funeral was held and the bodies had been buried under a tree in a small cemetery a town over.
Guess they happened to be Famously Fatial. But who am I to judge, just a regular week in the office.
Authors note- if you want to see the full story you can check it out on Wattpad same username
Character count-15711
©Emily Mccollor