

The Three Worlds Of Love (Part 1)
A beautiful, burnt orange sunshine peaked over the horizon, in that small West Texas town. Through the blinds of an older style home, right into the face of Lucas Chang.

Lucas was born here. His parents immigrated from China about a year before he was born. Only knowing about his ancestral lineage and traditions through word of mouth, pictures, and objects of precious value around the house. He is 17 now and soon to graduate high school. Bright kid. Seemed to breeze through all of his studies and classes.

Lucas rubs his face and sits up on the bed. Smiling from ear to ear as he thinks about his new girlfriend, Amanda Rodriguez.

Amanda lives in the same town. On the other end of this slow moving, almost uneventful town. She's 19. Her father is originally from Mexico and her mother is from Iowa, with an Italian/French lineage. A beautiful young lady with long, redish blonde and curly hair.

That same sunshine awakens her, also. She gets up to have her morning coffee. Thinking about Lucas. It has been over a month that they have been seeing each other. Wanting to take this slow, but not so slow that she completely loses him. He had been such a gentleman to this point. And honest. Which is a very important attribute to have.

As she has her second cup of coffee, she thinks about the affairs of the day. What needs to be done. Juggling between being a secretary in a law firm, and taking various classes at a local community college.

One or the other, calls each other every morning. Amanda is dressed now, and...