

why not me..
I can still remember the day we met,
I can still recall how I couldn't get you out of my head.....

was this how love at first sight felt like....

you asked for my name, ooh! kill me already....

I took so long to respond,
but eventually I did,

hearing you say my name made me feel like I was above the clouds,

I already painted a picture of you and I together....

you were all I thought about day in day out...

the sound of your voice alone made me blush, could this be love?

how was this possible, I couldn't make sense of anything except that i was falling for you so hard...

I waited for you to say something,
I waited for you to ask me out,
you were quite for a while ......

the suspense was killing me ....

but eventually when you said something you asked me about a friend you once saw me with....

is this a joke?

what was wrong with me ,
why do you have to ask me about someone else?

how could you be so insensitive,
how could you make me feel so unwanted....

I remember trying to hold back the tears , i became mute for a while....

but eventually i responded like the good friend i was,

I so wished he could just leave , but no he had to rub it in.....

he called me helpful! , really!
i dont want to be just the helpful friend,

I want to be loved,
that's what I wanted ....

am I asking for too much....

-why not me?