

A weird life
I told my story of my wonderful beginning and also the excitement of my new home, but today I am totally shocked. I am currently sitting at a café nearby and thinking on this morning as I can't believed what has happened . It is a Saterday afternoon and I have awoken late this morning with the humming of lawn mowers and leaf blowers.

I was shocked I woke up only at 10:30 this morning. I usually get up at 8, but this unpacking is taking it's toll. The thing that shocked me the most is that as I went out to my garden with my coffee the garden service was tending to my garden, but under the instructions of the old lady who also waved gleefully and came to my porch.

"Young man do close your mouth don't you know it is fly season? You also don't want to catch a cold why don't have shoes on? Did I miss something dear, is the missus still home? How dare you child you aren't even married yet.. "

" Wait, please mam, don't make such wild assuptions.. Aren't you the one trespassing on my property and with all these men and you do realise I didn't hire them??? I was going to tend to my garden soon. As you know I am still busy moving in... Not to be rude but it is actually non of your bussiness what is going on in my life or house. I barely even know you and the moving made me awfully tired and I just awoken by all this ranting and humming from the work in MY garden.. Could I ask why are you so interested in my property and why didn't you buy it in the first place? Would you like some tea madam? I think it is best if we talk what ever is going on here better and calmly with some tea? This sadly made my coffee even more bitter."

"Now dear child there is no need for this mam business and aren't you exaggerating a bit now dear?? Sure some tea would be nice would you agree to let me come in? Oh and please call me Beth or aunt Beth if you please." she said chirpy

This made it even more creepy, but the sooner I sorted it all out the better, but I couldn't let the aunt down and besides that I could get weird of this creepiness. She has this cold feeling about her even though she is so excited.

" Now dear whilst the kettle is busy brewing, I fully understand your concern about the workers. I already arranged the pay for the men and they know me well! Would you like having some of my cookies? You won't regret it... "

"Thanks auntie that sounds like an offer I can't miss out on. I feel a bit better knowing that they are happy, although this bothers me that you didn't discuss the matter with me.. "

"Oh dear don't worry about that I love to tend to gardens it is my life and besides didn't you say you'll get to yours eventually. This place will look spotless!"

"Not wanting to be rude and I am not taking it for granted, but I had plans for my garden as well, I didn't mind the rose bushes as I was planning on getting a nice hedge going there anyways.. But this is all so soon aunt. I love my own privacy and do things my way this all makes me awkward."

"Oh... oh dear." she said sobbing." I was just so excited
since you didn't say anything about the roses I hoped I could lend another hand. O please dear I will need to tell you a bit more about this old house if you're done pouring the tea.." she brushed the tears off her cheek.

I froze instantly and it just felt awkward. The thought of me being in my own home and getting negotiable with this old lady who starting to govern my life and as I stand there I was mad and moved by what she has done and I couldn't help notice that at the time she was staring at me fondly and I felt unsafe and my heart was beating loud in my ears and I couldn't get out any words to her. Still the cold touch of death lingered about and I was waiting for the laughter of an evil madman that slowly is dragging my soul to hell. But then..

"Dear, I known the man who lived in your home I looked after it a bit since his passing 5 months ago. I was forced not to do anything and that the family would do something. It grieved me to see that all of Devon's stuff was loaded and the house was in the market. I couldn't possibly make do with this house I'd feel to guilty. I was in love with the garden. I spent a lot of time in it with Devon. He was a nice man and mostly alone too. The best thing was I felt at home here. He just wanted to be happy. It's like I kept him alive here. He has already been forgotten and I have promised I'd look after the place. So yeah I have failed and then you came dear. It brought my Devon back!"

"Waa..." I chocked on my tea. " Wait Beth, not to be rude, but idealy this can't work for me. I have my own life.. I.. I am greatful for what you have done and I would love to have you over anytime provided with a small warning in advance, but these men and you have to leave now please. I feel like a zombie and have a ton of things still to do." I yawned loudly and started escorting her to the door.

"Now dear you would surely win an award for best looking garden in the neighborhood that I can assure you. I don't mind this at all surely I have been a bit early on this. I apologize for that. Maybe I came on a bit too strong for you how about giving these men another chance? They have nothing else to do to earn their money.. " she wiped off a tear and proceeded to open the door.

"Magnifique!! " She shouted when she opened the door and the garden looked like I was in someone else's place.

"Thanks for everything aunt but we have to talk about this later I really have to go."

She looked so happy and I was so amazed and the neighbors looked at me and I felt how I started to blush. She had gotten a bounce in her step and I didn't take full notice to her when she said see you soon nor did she given me the time to reply. So I dressed up and came to the cafe. Ever since my encounter the town has been odd. People seem to smile at me and gave me compliments as far as I went till I reached this place. Some weird voodoo is going on at that place. I need to stop what ever this is. I might seem ungreatful what happened but I don't want people to mindlessly drool over me or my place. I am concerned about my stay here maybe someone could help?

© The cube said it