

cora and the night hunters

Cora was a 24 black short haired girl who got invited to a night of gator hunting with her ex and his family however her ex whose name is kirk and his ma, pa and sister had other plans they plan to murder her and feed her to the gators Cora couldn't help to have a gut feeling that this was their plan but she ignored it. The clock has struck midnight and they have arrived to pick her up as she was happy to see them only to realize they wasn't cause by the time she buckled up kirk pulled his gun and held it to her head as his pa started to drive to the swamp. Once they showed up to the swamp cora was yanked out of the van begging for her life telling kirk she loves him only for kirk to shoot the ground at her feet he then tells her she had a five minute headstart so she began to walk towards the swamp pa then fired of a warning shot to get her to go faster. She ran into the swamp crying and begging god for help she a cross a nice man named casey who tried to calm her down and asked her what was wrong but before she could answer casey's head exploded as kirk's ma shot him in the head. Kirk's sister had a clear shot only to be eaten by a alligator in front of her ma, pa and kirk cora headed deeper in to the swamp only to hear a faint "daaaaaaaaadyyyyy" cora climbed in to a tree to hide from whatever was coming. The remaining three family members decided to split up ma Head in Cora's direction as pa and kirk headed the other way ma saw cora in a tree getting ready to shoot her but a shadow came up from behind ma cora sat in the tree silent as ma was being ripped apart by victor crowley who also spots cora in the tree but walks off with ma's torn up corpse. The only ones left were kirk and pa they had no luck finding her cora climbed down from the tree to make her way out of the swamp she picked ma's gun up just in case she ran into kirk and his pa. It was five minutes til two and cora still hasn't found her way out she tripped over a wire set up by kirk they have finally tracked her down cora pulled out the gun kirk's ma was using an shot pa in the heart this upset kirk so much he dropped his gun grabbed cora and started choking and beat her throwing her into trees it was a brutal out come she was sore from head to toe she then grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger only to figure out there were no bullets left kirk got on top of her and started choking her again all the sudden a hatchet flew and hit kirk square in the back of his head he was then yanked off her and taken in to the woods cora fainted only to hear "daaaaaaaaadyyyyy" before going completely out of consciousness. She then woke up to a helicopter landing a few feet from her as five national guard soldiers helped her escape and taken to the hospital as they ascended in to the sky and flew into the sunlight.
© alex sheckles