

Linea From Eris: Answers!
"Hello Touri! so I see you are a caeli,
you went on Linea's brother ."

"oh he.. hello "replied Touri to uncle Jed. "I guess I am "week laughed Touri.

This was Linea ''s second part of her perpitmae. and with her this time was Touri her pet maem.

Linea started speaking "look, Touri now I have to announce you to the family OK you just need to wave at them "And with this she walked over to the front of the room and announced Touri. Linea was very happy that she had decided Touri's name before as usually there is always a whole meeting on deciding the name of her pet maem As she was really tired and wanted to lie down even if she could not sleep. After like one more hour in the living room...