

Carol Ann
Narrator: Painful memories, shattered dreams, and hopes overwhelm her as she attempts to cut her wrist, seeking an end. Suddenly, a voice calls out her name.

Voice: Carol Ann, DONT!, your special to me. Your presence is crucial to the success of our quest. We need you to fight for gender equality, a cause you have already shown great dedication to, given your transgender identity. Your unique perspective and experiences will be invaluable in our fight for equal rights. Please, do not underestimate the impact you can make.

Carol Ann: I am currently experiencing mental illness, homelessness and unemployment. And I struggle with addiction, specifically alcohol and meth. I'm also facing discrimination, and being censored in my town.

Voice: That is in the past, once you accept your purpose. Your addiction will be no more. You will help those who are being censored and discriminated against. Join me and we will change the town's mind.

Carol Ann: Ok I will.

Narrator: Carol Ann, with determination in her eyes, crafted a sign with bold letters that read, "Censor my soul." "Censor me" " I will not leave" She had a few people yell at her, But Carol Ann stood her ground, refusing to be silenced. Gradually, she attracted the attention and support of another individual, who joined her in this courageous act of self-expression.

Steve: Hi! I'm nonbinary and often called the wrong pronouns. I know how you feel. I suffer from physical disabilities like autism. They call me mental slow or stupid.

Carol Ann: Steve grab a board, and a water. We got a long day.

Narrator: They spend 12 hours outside in the heat. With no break, they were exhausted. With pure determination they kept going.
Next morning, without any sleep, they marched down the sidewalk. Shouting "Censor my soul" "Censor me" " I will not leave"
People stared with awe.
Days gone bye, and more people joined them and The media and news reporters showed up .

News Reporter: Carol Ann, leader of the gender equality movement. Now, has several thousands of people protesting. They are tired of being censored. I personally don't blame them. Censoring the LGBTQ and disabled is wrong.

Mayor: I don't care how many protestors, there is . Laws are laws. Censor the LGBTQ and send disabled people to institutions. Lock them up.

Narrator: A week gone bye, and a thousand becomes a million.

Mayor: Actually, laws can be changed. Let's stop censoring them.

News Reporter: For the first time in history, the LGBTQ is welcome in our town. Disable people can be respected not belittled.

Voice: Congratulations Carol Ann, you have changed history of the town. I knew you could do it.

Narrator: Two days gone bye, and Carol Ann noticed that the voice, was actually her.
Moral of the story is no matter the past, disability or addiction, you can make a difference.