

Enchanted Night
Enchanted Night

In the heart of night where shadows weave,
A young witch holds a world in her grasp,
Cloaked in midnight's velvet, she breathes,
Under the gaze of a silvery moon's clasp.Her hat, a peak of ancient lore,
Points to where dreams and reality blur,
Surrounded by pumpkins that softly implore,
To light up the darkness with whispers that stir.In her hand, a globe of cosmic delight,
Glows with the warmth of a fairy-tale hearth,
Within it, a cottage bathed in starlight,
A sanctuary of magic, a realm of rebirth.
Bats silhouette against the moon's glow,
Guardians of secrets in the night's embrace,
While the wind whispers stories only they know,
Of enchanted beings and their timeless grace.

Specter of the mist

Down the narrow alleys where shadows creep,
A spectral figure glides through the haze,
With hair as dark as the secrets it keeps,
A phantom adrift in eternity's gaze.
Garbed in a gown of ethereal white,
It moves with the grace of a forgotten dream,
In the haunting glow of a lantern's light,
A ghostly waltz in a world unseen.
Eyes obscured by a veil of despair,
Yet power emanates from its silent form,
An enigma wrapped in a shroud of rare,
Drifting through time like a whispering storm.
The fog embraces its solitary dance,
As echoes of footsteps fade into night,
A haunting figure caught in a trance,
Between realms of shadow and ethereal light.

And here's the short story :

Enchanted Night and Specter of the Mist

In a hidden village nestled deep within a forest, where the line between dreams and reality often blurred, there lived a young witch named Selene.

She was known for her connection to the night, her presence a tapestry of shadows and moonlight. Her velvet cloak flowed around her like a dark river, and her hat, an ancient relic of her lineage, pointed ever upwards toward the stars. The villagers spoke of her with awe and curiosity, for she held the power to weave magic from the very fabric of the night.
Each evening, under the silvery embrace of the moon, Selene would wander to the edge of the village, where a field of pumpkins glowed softly. These pumpkins, imbued with enchantments, whispered secrets and tales of the world beyond, imploring her to bring light to the shadows.
One night, as the wind carried the whispers of the pumpkins, Selene held in her hand a globe of cosmic delight. Inside, a miniature cottage bathed in starlight rested, a realm of rebirth and magic. As she gazed into its warm glow, she felt a connection to something greater—a force that transcended time and space.
Bats fluttered overhead, casting fleeting silhouettes against the moon's glow. They were guardians of secrets, keepers of the night’s hidden knowledge.

Selene listened as the wind shared stories only the bats knew, tales of enchanted beings and their timeless grace.
Meanwhile, in the shadowy alleys of a nearby town, a specter of the mist moved silently through the night. It was a spectral figure, a phantom wrapped in mystery and ethereal elegance. Its hair flowed like ink, concealing secrets that the mist itself seemed to guard jealously.
Clad in a gown of ethereal white, the specter glided gracefully under the haunting glow of lanterns. Its presence was like a forgotten dream, a ghostly waltz that unfolded in the world unseen by most. Though its eyes were hidden by a veil of despair, an aura of power radiated from its silent form, an enigma wrapped in a shroud of rare magic.
The specter danced through the fog, its footsteps mere echoes fading into the night. It was a haunting figure caught in a trance, drifting between realms of shadow and ethereal light, suspended in the timeless grace of its eternal dance.
Drawn by a force she couldn't comprehend, Selene found herself wandering toward the town, her curiosity piqued by tales of the mysterious specter. As she entered the misty alleys, the fog seemed to part before her, revealing the spectral figure in its ghostly waltz.Their eyes met, and in that moment, Selene saw not a ghost, but a kindred spirit—a being of magic and mystery, trapped between worlds. She raised her globe, and the starlit cottage within glowed brighter, casting a warm light that reached out to the specter.
With a soft, ethereal smile, the specter accepted the light, and the mist around them shimmered with newfound magic. Together, they wove a dance of shadows and starlight, their movements a celebration of the night and its timeless wonders.
In the heart of the enchanted night, beneath the silvery gaze of the moon, Selene and the specter found solace in each other’s presence, united in their shared magic and mystery.
The village and town watched in awe as the stories of Selene and the specter became legends, whispered through the ages by the pumpkins and carried on the wings of bats, forever entwined in the tapestry of the night.

© poembyselly