

grandpa and Tree
Strong wind flowing by, grandpa is sitting under the shadow of his tree and lost in memories.
Tree: grandpa! What happened to you, today you look a bit sad and relinquished.
Grandpa: yes, I am a bit sad today, my son wants me to leave my old house, but my memories exist with my home, it has memories of me, my wife and my son's childhood.
Tree: that's so sad grandpa, why your son thinks you as a burden, you raised him with all hardships and I think you didnot inform him that he was an orphan and you adopted him. If you would have not adopted him, he might be begging somewhere on the streets, you should say him the truth!
Grandpa: I do not want to make him sad by knowing the reality that he was an orphan, presently he might consider me as a burden because I am old now and I can't help him in anything
Tree: grandpa! You are wrong, you are not burdened to anyone. It's your home, no one can remove you from your home, I remember you planted me as small saplings and cared me like your child and today I turned into a shelter for needy birds and animals, but I feel helpless I cant provide you shelter 😕
Grandpa: you are not less than my son, You were always there for me during my loneliness. tomorrow I may leave this place, I will miss you my son but don't worry I will say, my son, to bury my dead body after I die near you, under this soil.
I will be always with you even after death!
Tree: grandpa, you are my godfather, I want to live with you always. You loved your son as own, but he is now leaving you proving there is a difference between blood relations and other's blood. I wish I was human, I wish I can serve you.
Grandpa: oh my tree! I love you so much! I remember how I used to climb on you and enjoyed my childhood under your shadow, you always provided me with sweet fruits and shelter to other beings ..
Tree: yes grandpa, I have spent my childhood with you, memories can't be forgotten. I remember how you and your wife watered and cared for me. I remember how you saved me from being cut by humans, I fear if you leave me like this, they might cut me and I will not be able to meet my godfather even last time! Please do not leave me and go. You can take my fruits, eat or sell it and build your home under my shelter. Please do not leave me.
Grandpa: Even I do not want to be separate from you and my memories, I will make my new home here and always stay by your side and will breathe my last here. I love you, my son.
-- by aira

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