

Abandoned mansion - a world between visible and invisible
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...
And no one later was dared to check if it was true or if there was anything behind it. Everyone was knowing that it has something invisible but could be felt. Whenever someone crosses over they will feel like as if someone is watching them, if they turn back it will torment them. One day there was again a rumour of a person's missing who went by the same path. So no one wished to die in the hands of something unknown and stopped walking through the way which takes them to the town but they have to give up on their work and all the essential things which they could only get from town.
Days passed, no one dared to come out. Months passed, still, no one dared to come out but people started dying of starving. The number of people decreased drastically in the village. One day few elders thought of bringing it to an end and gathered to discuss the same.
No one uttered a single word until a young man inferred that he'll go behind it and find out what's haunting. No one agreed at first but for the people and the sake of the village they had to agree. They decided to send him on a fine night, providing all the harpoons and the holy water.
He reached the gate of the mansion, he entered the big lavish garden left out lifeless. 'Mahn' he thought, 'what a wonderful scene'. At the time he heard something from his side, which sounded like a laugh. But to his terror, there was none. He thought to handle this calmly. He felt the same way as the villagers felt like someone is watching from the mansion. He decided not to get scared but to face whatever it is. He walked towards the big door of the mansion, for his surprise he felt as if everything is normal inside. A huge table was filled with all the luxurious eatables. He heard the noise of someone talking, few playing and there he noticed a girl sitting alone, by looking at whom he can say that she's sad.
He thought it's just his imagination but that girl turned her face towards him and smiled which quickly turned to a scary face and he moved little. But that girl was near to him now, he was scared and searched for the holy water when he heard a girl shouting, 'No, stop it, don't do it, please'. He turned to the place from where he heard the noise. There he saw a beautiful girl just like the one he saw before. But that girl disappeared in a second, which scared him more.
He started thinking about what just happened and assumed that this might be the ghost which was scaring people. He holds the bottle of holy water to sprinkle on the ghost if it appears again. For his surprise, he saw the same beautiful girl sitting in the same place. He moved to her place but when he reached she disappeared. He started thinking of how to handle the ghost. He got an idea. He thought of ignoring the ghost as if it's invisible. He waited for her to appear again and she did. He ignored. She walked around him, still, he didn't care. She laughed loudly still she is ignored. Finally, she stood before him. But he acted as if he cannot see it. When he got the complete hold, he sprinkles the holy water which burns the skin of the ghost. She screamed, which made a beautiful girl come out of the upstairs. She ran to the ghost and hugged it tightly. She started crying looking at the situation which made him confused. He couldn't understand what's the situation thought of walking out. But the girl asked him to stop. The ghost started losing its skin little by little. That's when the girl asked him, Why? Why did you do that? Why did you kill my sister?. He couldn't answer the question and stood in silence. She questioned him again but there was no response. That's when she took the holy water, hugged her sister. She then sprinkled it over her ghost sister to give her peace forever. This left him amazed. And the ghost disappeared completely. And girl started crying loudly and ran to her room upstairs. He went behind her, she saw him coming towards her and shut the door. He asked her to forgive him, she didn't at first. When he asked continuously, she opened the door and started sobbing. He tried to comfort her, when he felt she's ok he decided to ask her about what just happened.
She started narrating her story like the mansion belonging to her father who was robbed and killed in a jungle when her mother was pregnant with twins. She gave birth to twins but couldn't take the burden of losing her husband, she was worried, but one day her one twin daughter died suddenly and she was in hurt again which killed her soon as I was of five. I was left all alone and looked after by the old maid who soon left her. By the time she was of fifteen. She was alone, scared and sobbing every day. One day when the soul of her twin visited her and decided to protect her. And that was the one whom you just eradicated.
This is how my life was going throughout the year, she scared away the one tried to sneak. She protected me every now and then but I lost her now, maybe forever and started crying.
That's when he held her hand and told not to cry, not to be scared, for he will protect her from every evil. She was very happy to hear this.
He took her to the village and made them understand the whole tale. Everyone welcomed her and soon she got married to him and lived happily ever after.
© Eve_writes_