

that resilient spirit !!
the insecurities residing deep inside my soul coming to the surface now
it feels like I have re-entered that dark phase now
which I had done to death just a few days ago and buried it alive
but now it's out of the coffin and again coming at my throat and while I'm wondering how to survive
my alter ego has now joined that demon in bashing me giving it high fives
if that wasn't enough the ghosts of my past too started hitting me from the back side
the floor beneath my feet too started slipping away like sand on the shores disappearing in a high tide
being surrounded by all these monsters from all sides
my only option was to tryna put up a spirited last fight
unto the death,not of my physical body but the spiritual core
and these are the moments when pure magic is born
as I screamed out loud at the top of my voice,the slept warrior inside me suddenly woke up like a storm
first smashed my alter ego with the sword of it's sublime ferociousness
then baptised it with the the sweat of my divine consciousness
till it diluted that malovelent spirit to a great extent
and reignited in me that eternally resilient spirit which was till now only latent !!

© @unshakableabhishek