

I am Johnson, I come from downtown kampala-uganda, am born and grown up from this side down town called kasokoso, I grew up with my father and other two little brothers called Brian and Ivan and a step mother, I love my father and brothers so much and they loved me too also, I like watching movies like adventures, high school, sci-fi, thrillers and love stories, l love soccer so much.

As we grew up with our dad who love us so much that he used to earn little but always tried everything thing to take us to school and could be able to pay our school fees in time, he loved us but he also loved his wife even though we meant everything to him, He Managed to always have time for us even though he could come back from work tired but could spare enough time for his beloved kids, he was a good dad because he was always there whenever needed, he managed to make for us local playing tools like the ones they used to play with in their child hood since he couldn't get enough money to buy for us these already made items.
He could always take us to the pitch to play with other kids during the weekend whenever he was free. He tought us to respect each other and also respect elders, he told us that respect, hard work, studying and God fearing is the only key to our success, he tought for private school because government schools were too far for us to go.

With time his small business burnt down to ashes and the whole capital was finished , we started experiencing many different challenges like he couldn't pay rent in time since we were living in a rental of which he had to pay rent on a monthly basis and he could earn too little money so sometime he managed to get us lunch and failed to get super, life hardened to the extent that he couldn't pay even our school fees so we had to drop out of school and as the situation wouldn't get any better because dad was not working and reached an extent that he couldn't not even get us food home then our step mother also decided to leave and went back to her relatives by then I was 13yrs, after one week even where we used to rent we were sent out of the house because we were nolonger paying.

After we were sent out of the house dad started selling off the few things he had which could be bought so that he would take us to one of our uncle in mukono where he stayed but when he told me that he was taking us to our uncle, I refused because I didn't want to go to him and i wanted to stay with dad whoever hard the situation was, when I told him that he should take my other brothers me I will stay, he tried to explain to me but I rejected so he decided to take the others since I had refused, he told me to escort them so that we could come back together and I agreed to do so but when the time for leaving reached I changed my self because I thought it would be a trap to leave me their so dad had leave me at his friend's place as I wait for him until he comes back.
When he went, his friend took me to a place where he thought he would get for dad a job but they had just employed someone there.

To be continued.........

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