

Three words
They're coming...

I know they're coming. I slowly look down at my trembling hands and shake my head. The clock seems to be ticking inside my mind, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...

I try to avoid looking at our portraits, it's too painful. Your smiling face is all around me, I can listen to your laughter...it rings in my ears almost making them bleed.

They're coming...

Without realizing it I find myself in front of our bathroom's mirror. The empty gaze I find doesn't surprise me; it has been staring back into my emptiness for quite a while. The rain is hitting the windows now, the wind is howling. Is it me...or is it crying too? Whispering words of solace, just like that day.

They're coming...

A lightning strikes illuminating the room just an instant, an eternal instant in which my black eyes seem to be somehow darker than before. It's all her fault! She is the one to blame! I whisper three words at the ghost staring back at me. My lips slowly mouth those three words.

They're coming...

Lips...your lips, I remember them too well. Each tender kiss my ambrosia, and yet those kisses are tearing my soul apart. If I even have any soul pieces left. I used to paint my lips red for you...you loved it. Oh, you loved it. Crimson...I remember it too. How time seemed to have halted, the cracking sound of the world shattering around me.

They're coming...

Stumbling out from here my mouth keeps whispering those three words. Those three words which brought me here. Oh, but darling...you lied too. You smiled at me, assured me everything was alright. That sickengly sweet mouth of yours told me I shouldn't worry, that maybe I just needed to relax. Can't you hear?! My heart fell on the ground again! it hurts to walk...it hurts so bad.

They're coming... they're coming because of her...

I feel something hot running down my forehead, my vision starts to blurry. Just like back then...I tried! I swear I tried! Don't look at me like that...I did it for you, for us. She ruined what we had! She took you away from me!

The flashes of blue and red outside of our house blind me a little, I'm not walking anymore...I'm swimming...I'm swimming in a pool of life liquid. Can you still call it that when you're dead inside? I feel it trickling down my arms.

They're here! They're here! They're here!

They know it all already, they're here to get me. No...no...no! They don't know! Prints, DNA samples or a bloody bat won't tell them our story. They don't know how I suffered! They don't know why I did it!

As my knees hit the ground I'm suddenly hovering over her body. Her pale, disgusting body. Clack. Whatever I was holding just hit the floor. My whole body is shaking like a leaf in the middle of a temepest. It's pouring, the rain hits the windows like fists banging onto the glass. For a brief moment the corpse before me changes face, I can see you now. Cold, rigid, a smile of relief plastered on those lips I loved to kiss...those lips which never kissed me goodbye. The mirage is over and I'm facing that monster once more. I mouth those three words, which slowly rise to a whisper and then slowly turns into a scream.

Bang! Another lighting hits the ground. The sirens sound so distant...a thousand miles away. I wonder if you are that far away, can I reach you? Is there still hope for our love?

They're knocking on my door...banging on it. Or is it just you, old friend? You were there when I found his body...you were there when I sent him away. A shadow, in the background. I know you were there when it all happened...you stood by my side as we both looked down at her. At that gruesome, gory, grizzly image. However, not as gruesome, gory, and grizzly as the one you witnessed through all of those years...those years who lead to this unbearable grief.

-"You killed him! You killed him! You killed your son! You killed your son! I loved him! I loved him! Bring him back! Bring him back! I am sorry...I am sorry...I am sorry"-

Three words...only three words...-"I miss you...I love you..."-they roll of my tongue which slowly becomes heavier. My back is against the wall as my body loses it's strength. Silence. Finally silence. Honey...is that you? Please...forgive me. I had to! She never cared about you, she took you away from me. She...is the killer.

They took down the door. Someone is checking my vital signs. They ask me many questions but I'll just say three words before I leave with my old friend, before I return to my baby, my life.



IG: Bellemoon99
Mirakee: Bellemoon