

As you get older, the world washes you clean of your idealism. The liberal part in you becomes conservative. The optimism in you gets baked in the ovens of pessimism. You become more of a realist and a pragmatist.

You realize that what people say is not what they do. You learn this the hard way. You learn that the world is all about acting up, keeping face in public.

You learn in private that all lodges are always full. You learn that people act like they're not having sex but they are having it day and night. You learn that morals are about perception.

You realize the hard reality that in private, people are cheats, corrupt, murderers, scavengers. You realize that there are two routes in the world, the good route, that everyone preaches about. Then there is the hidden route, the one everyone is using but act like they're not.

As you grow older in business, you learn that entrepreneurship is not A+B. It involves quadratic equations, it involves things that may never make a cut in any business book.

The things you find about life may break the hearts of many. But on the other hand I say for we young people, let these things not shock us, let's make peace with them.

Remember that there is no table in the world waiting for you, you must make your own table. You must fight with in the context of your environment. You can not fight a Ugandan battle with American tools, you will leave frustrated and broken.

You can not win a Ugandan election purely by having a great manifesto and a great campaign. The hard reality is, you must bribe some King makers, and if you find a way to rig, rig. Because anyway your opponent is already rigging.

As I grow older, now I am turning 22, I get to subscribe to the school of realism. I get to understand things as they are right now, not as I wished they were. I get to understand that doubt everyone, watch your every step, watch out for yourself interests and make long term moves.

Be as selfish as you can in the world. There are no ideals, ideals are fancy things we talk about in public, the way reality functions is totally different. Do not put anyone on a pedestal. Do not think that you are a worse sinner. The same evils you hide from the public, are the same evils other people are engaged in.

You should know that the whole world is full of darkness and light. So, harness the darkness and create light. Don't ignore the darkness, don't think it doesn't exist. Don't put any one on a pedestal. Study your own parents, and you will be shocked by their darkness!

© Godfrey Jethro Nsubuga
The Power of Motivation.
#Politics #reality