

Dear Younger Me
I noticed through the years that a lot of people, including myself, really wish they could travel back in time and fix their past mistakes. Sadly, time travel isn't a real thing. Just fiction. But if you could somehow send a letter to your past self, what would it say?

Well, I know the first thing I'd tell myself is; Life is difficult for everyone. There will always be an obstacle in your way. Right now I currently have multiple obstacles in my way, but the main one is my depression. It's holding me back from so many things. Obstacles are a part of life.

It just all depends on whether or not you're strong enough to get through those obstacles and keep moving forward. Sometimes the obstacles may seem huge, impossible to defeat. But I continued to push on and I moved past things I never thought I would have.

Sure, things are bad now. But looking back I can remember all the things I managed to get through. All the obstacles I beat and enemies I defeated. (not literally) So I know eventually, it may take a very long time, I will get through this one. I will conquer my mental illnesses and finally go back to the life that I wanted for myself.

Some days, it's so dark that I can barely see the light. But no matter how dim, it's always there, in the distance. That light. That spark of hope. I will keep moving toward it in hopes that I will win this fight within myself. And knowing all of this makes me feel so much better already.

I may not have known any of this when I was younger. But I grew up, matured, evolved, and became the person I am today because of all those mistakes I made. Sure, some of them were really bad, but... it could have been worse.