

Crazy (Chapter 12)
Pepper gets very comfortable with the way Draco is touching her, and starts to feel sleepy. It was still quite early in the morning after all. Her eyes were fluttering shut when she felt Daphne start to climb up the couch. Daphne then lays herself across both Pepper and Dracos legs. Pepper looks down at her.
"Finally decided to get up did you?"
"No... I still wanna sleep..." She mumbles with her eyes closed.
"Then why are you down here?"
"Cause I wanna be."
"Okay." Pepper giggles.
Draco smiles at Pepper then looks down at Daphne. "Daffy. We are not a bed. Go back to your own."
"But bubby!" The child whines, eyes still closed.
Pepper has to really restrain herself from laughing. Daphne crawls up Draco and snuggles her head into his shoulder. He gives up and just holds her to make her feel more comfortable. Pepper smiles at how kind and loving he is towards his little sister. Draco notices and smiles to himself. Pepper blushes some and looks away.
Draco blushes himself, and looks down at his sister. He mumbles something along the lines of, "I can't wait until this is ours."
Pepper starts blushing so much more. Draco, seeing her blushing so much, smiles again.
Eventually, after he hears Daphne start to snore again, Draco stands up and takes her back to her own bed. He comes back and plops back down next to Pepper.
"Is she asleep?" Pepper asks
Pepper smiles softly and pauses for a moment, thinking if she should ask the question she's dying to find out.
"Did you really say what I think you said?" She whispers to him
"And what was that?" He looks at her.
She repeats to him what she thinks she heard. Draco goes red and looks away again.
"Oh uh..." He fake coughs. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You did. Didn't you?" Pepper continues to whisper
"Maybe..." Draco whispers back
Pepper blushes again and her breathing starts to speed up a bit.
"Do you really like me?"
Draco bites his lip, hard, to stop himself from talking.
"Dray?" Pepper asks
"Hm?" He hums in response, still not meeter her gaze.
"Answer my question."
"So what if I do like you?"
"I-... Because I like you..."
Dracos eyes go wide and he slowly turns his head to look at Pepper. Pepper looks at the floor, very flustered.
"Huh? Y-you what now?" Draco stutters
"I like you..." She whispers
He opens his mouth like he's about to speak but no sound comes out so he shuts it again. He does that a few times before finally giving up and just hugging Pepper tightly.
Pepper tenses he body out of shock once more (like she always does)
"Y-you aren't mad at me...?" She whispers, her voice quivering.
Draco shakes his head very fast.
Pepper, feeling slightly reassured, unclenches her body and hugs him back tightly.
"I couldn't be mad at you." Draco whispers
"How? Everyone gets mad at me...."
"Well, I'm not everyone, now am I?"
"No... you aren't."
"Mhmm." He kisses her cheek and only when he sees Pepper start to blush does he got back to his room as if nothing happened.
Pepper bites her lip again. 'Why?! Why is he so adorable?!' She internally screams.

❤️Thank you so so so much for reading this chapter. I know it's a bit shorter than normal but I still hope you liked it. As always, if you haven't already, please read the other chapters in this story and I hope you have an amazing day/night. 🫶❤️
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