

Where The **** Is My Wife (Part 1 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

Where there is joy and laughter.
There is someone waiting to make it into a disaster.
Oh how jealousy makes a man turn.
To the point where he himself disowns all that he earns.
To destroy someone else's happiness after all his hard work.
How life can be so cruel to the ones who are innocent and the ones who have changed and put up the hard work.
For an enemy is on the watch to see a man crumble down to nothing.
Oh how he will smile to see the downfall of a man but until then his ears will be buzzing.
Let's see what he might do, will the enemy be victorious in the end?

At Felix's place.......

It was early morning and Felix had already taken Astra to preschool. Adira and her mother were trying to decorate the entire house for Astra's big birthday surprise. Adira's mother helped her out a lot by sticking and hanging the decorations in the space theme. She knew Astra would love it but there was only little she could do since she is seven months in pregnancy. 

So Adira decided to just work on packing the party bags with snacks, toys, pasties and cupcakes. She wanted everyone to go home packed with goodies and since it is her first birthday celebration with Astra. It was as special to her as it will be special to Astra. When Adira was done with the children's party bags, she packed the adult party bags with the same things just minus the toys.

As soon as Felix got home, he helped out his mother-in-law with the decorations. In fact she allowed him to take over as she headed straight in the kitchen to sort out the cakes, party snacks and drinks. Afterwards, she filled that piñata with sweets and toys for the children.

By the meantime, Adira would hang and sort out the party games as well as the gifts for Astra. When they were done, they put everything away for safekeeping just until it got closer to the time the party began.

Everything seemed perfect except Adira forgot to buy Astra a dress. Realizing this, she ran to Felix and grabbed his shoulder.

''Felix, I forgot to buy a dress for Astra. Can we go to the clothing store and buy one?'' Adira begged.

''Adira, no, not in that state. It's not safe for you to go out and Astra already has many dresses.'' Felix replied.

''But I want to make this day extra special for Astra and it means I need to buy a new dress. If not for me, do in for our little bundle of joy. Trust me it will be perfect.'' Adira pleaded with puppy eyes. Felix laughed, then held Adira's cheeks and kissed her forehead.

''You know I can't resist that baby face of yours. Okay sure we'll go but I'm keeping an eye on you. I don't trust anyone, people like to bump into pregnant women.'' Felix said, looking a bit concerned. 

Adira then quickly walked to her purse and threw on her jacket over her dress. She then turned to look at Felix.

''Felix, you're just exaggerating. No one is going to bump into me. Not as long as you are around me. You're just being over protective. Nothing bad is going to happen to me.'' Adira said and hugged him. Adira then held his cheeks and made him look at her.

''You know I love you my over protective warrior.'' Adira said loud enough for him to hear.

''I love you too, my sweet bunny and bunny junior. Are you sure that you'll be fine? It don't feel right, taking you out to buy that dress.'' Felix replied.

''Oh stop worrying. We'll be back quick.'' Adira said and kissed him before holding his hand. 

She quickly pulled him out the house. Where they fetched a taxi and left for the children's clothing store.

At the store, Felix and Adira were searching for the perfect dress. Felix was standing by Adira the entire time, making sure that nothing bad happened to her. Adira finally found a beautiful night dress with an astronomy design and picked it up to show Felix.

''Felix, look at this dress. Do you think it is perfect?'' Adira asked, smiling and looking at the dress.

''It is fine honey. Please hurry up. This place is crowded today.'' Felix said in a hurry to leave.

''Okay, okay. It does look like her size and the dress does look lovely. We will take it.'' Adira said happily and then she looked for the price tag. Adira's face frowned when she found the tag and not the price.

''I can't find the tag. Honey, can you please ask the cashier over the counter for me. Pretty, pretty please.'' Adira asked.

''Okay, I will but please stay here so I can see you, please.'' Felix replied.

''Okay, go quick so we can leave.'' Adira said and Felix left for the counter. 

There he kept a sharp eye on Adira. Making sure she was alright and Adira waved happily at him. Felix returned a wave and a smile.

When the cashier came to him he turned around to ask the price. Adira was standing in the same spot and looking at other dresses.

Watching Adira's every move from outside the store, was a stranger dressed in all black. He was talking to someone over the phone.

''I'm finished describing the woman. Do you think she is the wife of Felix Aziz?'' The man said, peeping at her from the corner by the entrance door.

The person over he phone replied, ''yes, she is the one. Just take her as soon as you get the chance. I want to see her alive and in one piece.''

''Yes sir, I am headed there now.'' The man replied.

The person over the phone said, ''don't tell me just go!''

The man did what the person said and snuck in the store. The man walked amongst the crowd staring at Adira. As the man walked closer to Adira, he pulled out a rag from his pocket. He then opened his arms wide and was ready to grab Adira when Felix saw him. Felix wasted no time, he ran and dived on the man. Making him land on the floor and he cuffed the man until he blood.

''Adira run!'' Felix yelled and then continued to cuff the man.

Adira, shocked by what she saw, ran as far and as fast as she could. Unfortunately for her, so did the crowd of people. As they ran, Adira couldn't see where to run any more and got lost in the crowd.

''Felix....Felix help!'' Adira cried while holding onto her stomach. Felix stopped beating the life out of the man to see a crowd of people passing around his wife.

''Oh shoot!'' Felix said, looking frightened. 

Immediately he got up from on top of the man and ran towards the crowd to get to his wife.

The man got up from the floor. He quickly put on brass knuckles under his gloves. The man then ran in the direction of the crowd and before Felix could grab and pull his wife to safety. The man jumped and punched him directly on the side of his jaw. This caused Felix to fall on the ground but still Felix was determined to help his wife.

The man got upset after seeing this and pulled Felix away using the back of Felix's shirt. He then sat on top of Felix and started to cuff him at the point of knocking out.

Adira was still in the crowd with her eyes closed shut and holding her stomach. She was walking and stretching her arms to see if she could reach the counter. When someone bumped into her, Adira screamed out in pain. Finally the crowd cleared the store and Adira's face was filled with agony. While Adira was holding her stomach and then counter, she tried to breathe to minimize the pain. As soon as she turned around, Adira was shocked to see the state of Felix as the man continued to beat him.

Adira tried not to scream, instead she continued to fight off the pain and broke the arm off the manikin. Adira slowly crept up to the man and hit him right in the head before backing off.

Felix took advantage of the situation and cuffed him to the ground, in his weakened state. He then got up with Adira's help and grabbed the manikin's arm from her.

Together they struggled to escape the store as both of them were already weak. As soon as they reached the exit, Felix was about to collapse.

''Felix, no no no. don't do this to me now. We have to go.'' Adira cried as Felix leaned upon her shoulder. 

She was holding his face and his eyes could barely open so he nodded. Felix tried to stand back up and take her outside the store. Seeing this the man quickly got up, ran and cuffed Felix in the back of the head. Felix completely was out of it now and collapsed on the floor. He struggled to keep his eyes open. As he watched the man struggled to hold down his wife as she tried to fight him off. The man refused to let her go and placed his plain rag over her nose. 

After a while she was knocked out and because of her extra weight, he struggled to take Adira out of the store. Felix dragged his body across the floor to the man and pulled on the man's jeans to stop him. The man saw this and kicked Felix in the head and this time Felix knocked out, unable to know where the man took his wife.

......to be continued.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.