

Now I Am Happy.
I thought my retired life would be peaceful and happy.
When I stopped going out in correct time to office,all my ruotine turned topsy turvy.
Habbit of timly bath,food,walk and sleep got disordered.
I was feeling bored. A condition of restlessness began to engulf me.I lost my sleep. A feeling of heaviness in mind. I was drowning in depression.

Ihad a lot of plans to do after retirement. But all remained as dreams.
Then the Covid began to spread.Lock down announced.Elderly people were forced to stay indoor.
It was intolarable.News of death, continuously burning pyres,gasping for oxygen etc filled terror in my nerves. I felt that I would not continue for long.
Then I saw an advertisement for online Yoga course.Without a second thought I joined the course.
Pranayama and loosening exercises began to make miracles in me. Day by day I was learning and practising more asanas.

I began to do morning Yoga every day.

Now I am happy and contented.I have no depression.I eat well and sleep well.
Yoda can make wonders in our body and mind.

#WriteStoryPrompt50 #InternationalYogaDay
Write a story on how yoga helps to heal your mind, body, soul and connects people with the nature.
© Rajendran Thriveni