

Part 2 The chapter
The things started settling up and the girl was now surrounded by a lot of open books and was enjoying the way everyone's story ended them all here.😊 And one day The One face 🤠again appeared, when she tried to look, it was all covered up. And the fact of not able to read that book made the girl more curious to read the one🤔. She started trying but the One🤠 was not opening on its own. The girl hated it 😡and without realizing got so much attached to the One that her thoughts started getting hampered by that One Face. She smiled, got angry, felt sad, but this was all in her mind and never came on face. And once the book opened and a chapter appeared which the girl expected but wished not to happen. And in a way as one turns back at the exact moment when they realise they have entered in a wrong room, she turned back quickly. It was the fact :Someone from the past, someone in the present, the story of that book was running at a speed that she can't even ride it. She now started feeling different got Ok with the fact and again pushed herself to the new sorted world she had made till now. BUT the writer of her book had got something different on mind😈..........