

In The Shadows We Found Ourselves
The first time I knew what love felt like was when I knew that I was in love with the darkness in my room when my curtains were drawn. It was the stillness, the serenity of a world cloaked in obscurity that pulled me in, drew me closer to understanding the depths of my own heart. I found solace within the ebony embrace, finding respite from the chaos that raged in the light.

Whatever had happened to me, I had no idea. Life had twisted and turned, contorted itself in ways I could not comprehend. How did I end up here? In this labyrinth of lies and shattered dreams? I thought of death more often than of living as your wife, your husband. All I ever had to do was follow your rules, bend down even if I was bleeding. But that is not love. That is not the life I yearn for.

Love should be an expanse of...