

The Tale of The Travelling Unknown
On a sour rainy day, here lies beneath the shadows
Of wood, bark, and green stays a fellow stranger;
Thats been wounded over what lives inside the strange past,
Was a memory that have layed burden and burned by hatred.

This traveller days of travelling is far indeed unto his destination,
But quick as a swift winds to gain the info and the source.
And as he haste for a ride, unto his beloved companion;
Then he rides with no hesitation from trustworth steed of a horse.

Hours may have passed unto his journey,
But his heart was burning for a haste of justise that darkened his spirit.
And until a night came, and into the shadow of dust
Another stranger came and asking for safety under the night.

The hate and the stranger under the dusk talk in quiet moments.
They both discuss on what brings them unto a journey from this far place,
Then the stranger under the dusk saids.

Stranger under the dusk: i came for i have carried hate and vengeance for years. However I've also come to seek in peace in some ways that i may never disturb to what troubles me. What about you grim fellow? What travels you here?

Then the hate answered.

Hate: i came to kill my enemies that accused my family and my blood under wrong crime; and this has nothing for you to know.

Stranger under the dusk: I'm sorry to hear that but... you are right there is indeed nothing that i can do but... there is indeed something that i can and i could do.

As traveller hate heard of this his face began to shows... confusion, and as the stranger of dusk continues his talk of peace finally hate realize that karma itself will have its own will and warning to teach evil-doers their lesson. But the talk ended there as stranger under the dusk was swayed by the winds of the night. And as morning has rises the grim hate finally smiles of kindle warmth. Even if his heart still wants to serve veangeance behind the past... but his present becomes clearer as crystal for he remembers the words of his newfound friend, the fellow stranger under the dusk, just like as he is they both have hate but on opposite paths of life; and so he continues travelling; and several years later, finally he have a family however as for his enemy that accused his families past; they have indeed suffered severely and hopeless whether imprisoned or the worst scenario for every guilt.

“There is light unto the darkest times of our life.”
© The Book owl