

the setting sun and the moon ending 2/2
The scene shifts to Iori and the Orochi entity inside his mind. Annoyed by the being's presence, he tells it to get lost. It jeers that it's always watching him and will forever be a part of him. Iori wakes up in his apartment, cursing the dreams he's been having. Konoe bangs on his door and yells for him to remember their three o'clock rehearsal. On their way to the club, Iori hands Konoe a note that the owner handed him. She recognizes it as the song that Kikuri wrote. When she tells him it's a supposed to be a duet with both of them, Iori refuses to have anything to do with it until they show it to Kuwahara.

Kuwahara is gungho for Kikuri's song, which upsets Iori. Their manager wants to talk to Iori in private so he excuses him from the rehearsal and buys Iori lunch. He complements the bass player on his talents and informs him that a wealthy producer is interested in them. Iori tells him to hand it to someone else but Kuwahara -knowing that the others will accept- explains that he only needs Iori's approval. Before Iori can answer, Orochi pops in his mind again to taunt him. It knows that he wants to say yes, which supports the fact that it knows everything about him. Iori smashes the table they're sitting at, startling Kuwahara and ridding his mind of Orochi. He answers that he isn't interested.

Konoe returns home and is greeted by her sister. She tells Kikuri that her song is good and her intents to sing it, but is worried that Iori will never play along with it. While her sister goes for a shower, Kikuri leaves the apartment to meet Iori at the same place she saw him practicing. Iori mulls over the conversation he had earlier with Kuwahara, which makes Orochi taunt his regrets at giving up the debut. Before he can say otherwise, Kikuri finds him. She requests his critique on her song. He tells her that nothing in the song fits him but Kikuri states otherwise, saying that he is a kind person. When he denies the claim, she tells him to not deceive himself. She compares him to the moon -quiet, pretty, and kind- and herself to a fading star in the sky -struggling to shine. Once he packs up to leave, Kikuri reveals that she will soon undergo surgery with little chance of success. Sure that she won't make it, she pleads once more that he sings the song. He refuses and leaves.

Meanwhile, Konoe is called by Kuwahara about the debut. She is excited about the idea but her enthusiasm falters once she hears Iori declined. She advises of disbanding to make the offer work, which a dishearten Kikuri overhears. Heartbroken that her sister will no longer see Iori, she runs from the apartment. Her sister and Kuwahara hustle to Iori's apartment, thinking that she is there, but he hasn't seen her. After telling them to get out, Orochi informs the audience of Iori's doubts. It wonders who he cares for -Kikuri or Konoe- and tells him that he's been in this town too long if he's beginning to worry about others. Once it leaves, Iori answers a phone call from Kuwahara saying that they found Kikuri. He remains uncaring and hangs up.

The scene changes to Konoe on the stage. She tells her audience that their last song (her sister's song) is the finale for the band and she has lost her will to sing. Iori begins to play, telling her that she shouldn't give up so easily. He continues that she should chose a different path that he took -one that doesn't lead to darkness- and sing for her sister's sake. As he begins to sing, Konoe wakes up from her dream. Beside Kikuri's hospital bed, her sister tells her about her meeting with Iori the other night. She repeats her wishes for him to be true to himself and directs the same words to Konoe, who called Iori's name in her sleep for the last three years. Kikuri reveals that she has always wanted to sing like her sister, which was why she made the song a duet.

Answering a call from Kuwahara, Konoe learns that Iori left town. He tells her they only found a memo with one line on it: "It's better to be alone". During his flight, the Orochi being in Iori states that it's looking forward to his new life. Iori replies that he'll someday kill it. It answers that all Iori needs to do is submit to him and everything will disappear. The track ends with it laughing at him.