

Love ,Emotions ,Feelings.

They don't need any words to explain
All you need to have a pure heart
A Heart'
That understand real meaning of emotions
Love doens't happen on a fix time place
It's just
That two people are ready not to give up on eachother no matter
How hard it's to handle situations
The more you give
The more you love

You don't need a expensive place to make
Feel special
All you need is a place
Which make him understand
How much you mean to him
Love doens't need expensive gift
It's just need a gift which you gift
Him with your whole 💓 Heart'
Love doens't need to show by
Getting expensive food
It's just need a simple food
Cook by yourself with Love

Love need time attention
Love understand emotions
Love is more Beautiful
If You love the person for their
Beautiful Heart'
Not there looks
That's what love is
That what makes a life bliss.
© ¶¶1917yashvi