

ARGUMENT pt1 (Fanfic)
Jungkook POV

"Shut up y/n!! Can you please shut your mouth for a second ? I'm done with this drama.." I yelled at my girlfriend who was standing in front of me frightened by my sudden outburst.

I was having a hard time these days. I was trying so hard to get the choreography right but couldn't get it perfectly. I took half day to rest and came home early just to be bombarded with y/n's questions.

"Are you seriously done with this? Actually I'm the one who is done with you. Do you know everyday I wait for you to come home so that we could spend some time together. I know that I knew everything about you and about your hectic schedule. But I atleast need some time for us. You've totally forgotten about me.. I'm done with this.." She said as tears left her eyes.

I was also hurt by her unnecessary questions, so I  didn't said anything and angrily sat on the sofa looking away from her. I saw y/n running upstairs to room from the corner of my eyes.


He suddenly yelled at me and what else I could do? I yelled back. I was also having hard time. Constant depression and the feeling of loneliness was killing me inside. Being the girlfriend of an idol was getting hard for me. Too much restrictions, not going in public was killing my social life plus not even spending time with my own boyfriend. I had enough of everything.

That's why I decided that I needed a break. A break from all this.

I packed my stuff and went downstairs. Jungkook looked up, first at me then at suitcase. He stood up from his place and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, love. I didn't meant to hurt you. I was just tired and vent out all my frustration on you. Please don't leave me. You know how much I love you, right? " he said snuggling into my neck. I was fighting with my urge to hug him back.

I finally pushed him back and he looked at me with hurtful eyes.
"Babe? " he let out and I finally burst up.

"Please jungkook, I have made my decision. I can't do this anymore. I need some break. " I let out and there was evident anger rousing in his eyes.

"Break? From what? Are you breaking up with me ? " he said holding both of my shoulders.

"I'm not. Its just, I need some time for myself. I need some fresh air. I also want to go out. I can't stay inside for ever, just because your fans will know. Please, I'm fighting everyday with constant depression and loneliness. There's no one I could talk to. No family nor friends. Yes, I do have one amazing boyfriend. But you are not always there kook. You're always busy! That's why I have decided that we should take some break from each other. Because if we won't then we will definitely end up on a bad note. " I let out all my frustration and anger on him.

He just stood there while tears were flowing through his face. His state was breaking my heart. He wiped his tears and lighting stroked my hair.

"Y/n, love. I love you. We will figure everything out if we stay together. I promise, I will be a better boyfriend. I assure you that you will never be alone. Just don't leave me.. Please" his voice broke even before finishing the sentence. I hugged him tightly and he hugged back.

That few seconds hug felt like years. I broke apart and pulled away. His smile turned into frown because he thought that I was going to stay. I picked my suitcase up and gave him a sad smile and went away leaving him behind.

// Time skip //

Jungkook POV

She left. My world broke apart. I actually thought that she would stay. I never thought that a day like that would ever come.

Its been one year since we met.
I last saw her in a convenience store and our eyes met. There were many untold emotions. We smiled at each other like random strangers.

I never knew how I would live without her but I'm living. Living with a hope that she will one day come back. With a hope that Everything would be okay again. With a hope that my life will become lively again.

Someone has rightly said,

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday... Unseen ,unheard but always near, still loved,still missed and very dear. "

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