

May the Power, Be with You.
The one who gives away its power, no longer can sustain. As a human being we often fight for power and struggle to accept other’s power over ourself. This happens because of our internal struggle. We as a child either grow up as a rebellious child or someone with a very obedient nature. This innate nature does not go away even after becoming an adult.

Then, how to deal with this power struggle and a battle of lifetime on who rules over whom? the answer lies in understanding our nature itself. We should never let anyone give us a feeling or an opportunity to let ourselves down or make us think we do not have any power with us.

Each human being is born with power that makes them different from others, makes them powerful, makes them think and care about themselves. Unfortunately, it is not encouraged to flourish.

It is important that we realize this valuable quality within us and let it make us confident to live the way we wish to live. When a human being is surrounded by people who motivate them, help them reach their goal it becomes quite easy for them to accept the inner power and let it shine it over other.

The rebellious people can also instill over confidence or negative power within themselves and take advantage of people who they consider as ‘weak’. Such misuse of power can be dangerous to the society.

Thus, its crucial for every human being to understand and flourish the inner power within them and bring a positive change in the society for the betterment of the others.
© chimera