

Her bleeding heart
The unspoken pain
Majozi stood numb she wanted to cry soo bad but the well was dry, she had cried for too long but the heavens seemed to have been blocked for her aid. With time she had grown to be spiritual, and like a daily dose she cried for the forces to aid her, to have mercy on her, she hoped that one day the sun would rise to her direction and have mercy on her bleeding heart to heal but that day she was now convencied would never rise.
Her only son her beloved now standing in front of her, the act that he had committed still not yet registered in his mind, slowly and slowly he had become an addict, the worst pain of addiction is not the time it waste, how idle and lack of purpose you become or how much money you waste , its your reaction. The person it makes you to be, the animosity, the sudden anger, the inability to think before doing.
Majozi felt the world closing, from far peoples horrified voices of.... lets call an ambulance!!! Does anyone has a fast aid kit!! And slowly her eyes were closing all she could see was blurred images of what was happening, her son terrified still holding to the bloody knife slowly realizing the consequences of his actions . "Who will save him now!! "she cried!

© mwirigiB