

He Pursued Me
A wave of nostalgia swept over me
as I delve into the past with uncertainty.
I wrote him and our story entitled Night of July
An encounter with a stranger
A year that his head on my lap lingered

It was two thousand fourteen
Where we were both curious of what might could have been
We started out digging the past
It took him 8 years to imply
Said if we could have communicated
maybe it'll last
and we should give it a try
But I just laughed and replied with a sigh
He confessed ,I was obsessed
Courted and pursued me
I was curious if he was real
Thought that maybe
He is just up for a deal
He exerted effort
At first was a discomfort
I was not used of being pursued
But this time I got swayed
and gave in to his moves
To me it was surreal
But for him it was all real
He loved me with all of his heart
To prove that we are on the same boat
He undressed my coat
In return I gave him my soul
Allowed him to have me in whole
But the thing is he is with someone creepy
A woman so toxic
That he is about to let go
When his woman knew
Ruined me and shattered me to pieces
He defended and protected me
Showed me his vulnerability
Their knot is still not tied
Wanted me to be his bride
But I let go of him
Eventhough our memories remain
His woman crashed my soul
I needed to pull myself together
for me to be whole

Our story just ended
Our hearts are mending

We were each others great love
A love happened so fast
A love that we could not have
For it is not destined to last

© Fe Suson 2023