

The End
I noticed her not wake up by me..... There seemed to be nothing on the news besides advertisements of products to be bought... Man this portable microwave looked cool.... I hate thinking about using the microwave at work.... Today I'll just do the same thing I been doing all week I guess....
Flaming hot munchies and a coke cola.... As I walked out from the trailer I noticed the dogs not follow me out....But maybe they must be asleep.... I don't want to be late to work anyways.... I crossed the street to walk down the path to home depot... I work as a janitor and from 5:30 in the morning to 12:00 in the afternoon.... As I finally headed down the road... I noticed that the tractors from the Walmart distribution not in motion.... I wonder if they're just in a meeting.... As I continued to walk all I could do is call Briana.... I wonder why she never came home... maybe shes having an affair..... As I made my way to the alley way.... I began to speed walk because I noticed I was taking up time.... Suddenly I heard growls coming from the freeway up hill.... I never heard such thing so I remained quiet and the more I did the more I noticed the noises getting close.... The sun wasn't up still so what could be seen approaching me were glowing eyes... And too me... that's no good sign.... I went from speed walking to running like I had no time to slack off to get to work.... I looked back an all I could see is a group of dead covered in wet blood.... My route to work contains gates on one side of the streets... I ran towards the garden area of home depot an as I approached the parking lot.... Everywhere the silences of dead stares looked upon my way.... A female employee that doesn't know I exist called too me loud saying that I needed to run to the opened...