

Meant To Stand Out
As a kid did you have people around you that you could never relate to ? trust me I have as a kid I had alot of friends some popular and some well known but what I couldn't shake was them telling me how I should act if I do this people will like me but to be completely honest I never cared to be popular because if you didn't like me for me I didn't care so this one night I go to a party with some of the popular people I knew & I also knew alot of people there but I just felt like this isn't me why should I be around people who doesn't share the same energy as I do so later that night I went home & I kept asking myself why do I feel differently from other people I honestly started blaming it on the fact I couldn't be honest of me liking girls but as time went by I finally realized that I was never meant to fit in I was always meant to stand out because I see things differently I do things differently and that was ok it's important to be 1000% you at all times people who are meant to be in your life will accept you for who you are and not who they want you to be you are amazing just the way you are live in your truth you matter to ;)
© Queen Pooh Rainbow