

Of Human Essence.
When a human being is ignored for hours at a time, it’s only natural that those feelings of sadness and that raise from that emotional pain, remain switched on.
As everyone is made up of the same things, as we all feel both emotional and physical pain, we all have needs and wants, we all feel those complexed mixed emotions that live inside each of us.
We all need and require human connection and we all have that inner desire to be understood, from the baby stage of life right through to the Senior stage.
So no one is any different from anyone else in truth, as we are all share similarities within our lives and we crave that inner need of communication everyday of our lives, regardless of who we are and what we do, the continuing need to relate, to learn, to develop, to grow, to care and to be understood an ongoing necessity of human nature.
So when we don’t have those needs met, life becomes difficult and we tend to loose heart with those that we have always known. It is only then, we learn gradually to become invisible, not needed, unwanted, removable.
As though in preparation to live in a lighthouse, as that invisibility cloak becomes more and apart of your physical form, slowly covering the whole of your human essence inch by inch. Until you dissolve into a invisible fog of nothingness, they are the bad days.
So when those good moods happen and those low moods have temporarily disappeared, you keep a hold of those happier times and try to tune into them as long as possible. In the hope that the feeling of joy will remain inside you, when you need to always go back to it as it makes you feel like the sun in the sky and a hug from loved one or a dear friend.
So, regardless of how someone may appear to you, always be kind and ask them how they are? As you could be making that someone’s day through the natural feeling of genuine care.


© Josephine Daniels.